If You or Someone You Love Were Able to Be Symptom-free for One Day, How Would You Spend the Time?

If You or Someone You Love Were Able to Be Symptom-free for One Day, How Would You Spend the Time?

What would you do that you aren't able to do now?

I would spend the day with the man I love and my daughter. We would go to Disneyland and ride every ride. Then we would have dinner on the beach and watch the sunset. All of this I could do if my lungs we healed And I didn't need oxygen all the time. My daughter and I have been planning a trip to Disney for a while now and that would be the perfect time. I have been so restricted in what I can do with my lungs and now with my back. My spine has shattered vertebrae and it is difficult to walk. Being symptom free also means I wouldn't be tired all the time. I don't remember the last time I had energy to do anything. I never realized how many things are taken for granted in life. Just simple things like taking walks or swimming in the summer. (I can't because of my oxygen).