
Does my son need to go to support group or rehab for alcohol?

My son is nearing thirty years old and he has issues with abusing alcohol. Do you think treatment is better in a rehab center? Or would he be fine going to a support group? Learn more.


What's the difference between a stammer and stutter?

I noticed that the terms stammer and stutter are used inter-changeably, but now I understand that these terms are different. Can you explain what this difference is? Learn more from our experts.


Can you ovulate with two periods a month?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know if you can ovulate with two periods a month? Learn more from our experts.


What should be the diet in the first month of pregnancy?

I am 3 weeks pregnant and want to have a healthy diet. Learn more from our experts.


Can my daughter with cystic fibrosis eventually have a normal life?

My daughter was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at birth and her condition has gotten worse. Are there any procedures available that'll help her have a better quality of life? Learn more.


My child is throwing up milk just after feeding. Is it normal?

My baby is 1 month old and for the past 2 days she is spitting up as I'm finishing feeding her. Is this normal or something to be concerned about? Read this article to learn more.


Is spicy food considered bad for elderly patients?

My mother is 76 years old and lately, she has been having a lot of digestive health issues. She is very fond of spicy food. Can spicy food be causing problems for her?


What can trigger noise-induced hearing loss?

How much noise is too much noise? How should I protect my hearing? I like going to concerts and probably go to one per month. I'm nervous I'll end up with early hearing loss.


Norwrign scabies

3 years I have dealt with a skin problem be told dermatitis cancer MRSA eczema nobody helped me 8000. 00 later i discover its crusty scabies have had crusty fingers couldn't bend...


Do I need to adjust my house for mother's Parkinson's disease?

My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Should I adjust my house for her to make it handicap-friendly? See how our experts answer.