
Does heat rash spread all over the body?

I am a 28 year old male. I want to know if heat rash spreads all over the body? Learn more from our experts.


If I sprain my hand, should I put a hot compress or a cold compress?

I recently sprained my hand while picking up a heavy object. I have applied some ointment that should be working on pain relief. I want to also put a compress as it provides


Do naturopathic physicians do healing work similar to chiropractors?

I want to see a naturopath to try something different. Is their work similar to a chiropractic or more like a massage therapist. Learn more here.


How long are most hospice stays?

My mother is at the end of her life. I want to know how long are most hospice stays? Learn more from our experts.


Does PRP really work for wrinkles?

I am a 37 year old female and I have wrinkles. Learn more from our experts.


What are some ways to prevent carpal tunnel?

I type a lot at work and lately I've been experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel in my fingers. Are there ways to prevent carpal tunnel? Learn more from our experts.


Can a cat allergy in a child be managed?

My family just adopted a cat but realized that our 10-year-old son is allergic. Can a cat allergy in a child be managed? Learn more from our experts on allergies.


Are there certain disorders or illnesses that you shouldn't see a naturopath for?

I am a 29 year old female who is curious about naturopathic medicine. Learn more from our experts on naturopathic medicine.


How to help my obese and shy brother?

My brother is 34 years old and is morbidly obese. He refuses to seek treatment despite having Type 2 diabetes. Learn more from our experts.


Do store-bought braces work for carpal tunnel?

I feel like I have carpal tunnel syndrome and I want to find ways to treat it without resorting to surgery. Do you think a brace from, like, Amazon or Walmart would help? Learn more from our experts.