How to Improve Doctor-Patient Relationships
Branding & Exposure

How to Improve Doctor-Patient Relationships

Building a strong doctor-patient relationship takes time, communication, and commitment. Patients seek out doctors who respect them, listen to them carefully, and provide them with quality care. Doctors, on the other hand, have a more complex responsibility towards their patients. Every decision they make must be made with close consideration of the patient's viewpoint. Improving a patient’s experience and their health outcome comes from closing the gap between what they want and what they receive.
Labor Unions Are Growing: Should Doctors Join?
Clinical News

Labor Unions Are Growing: Should Doctors Join?

What are labor unions? As a definition, a labor union is an organization that is created by a company’s group of workers for the purpose of protecting their rights to fair wages, work hours, and working conditions.
Why It Is Essential for Today's Doctor to Have Computer Skills
Clinical News

Why It Is Essential for Today's Doctor to Have Computer Skills

In today’s day and age, technology is everywhere and it continues to advance.
When Is Social Media Too Much?
Branding & Exposure

When Is Social Media Too Much?

It’s highly unlikely that you’ll find a single doctor right now who isn’t on any social media website.
Medical Practice and the Benefits of Legal Perspective
Practice Marketing

Medical Practice and the Benefits of Legal Perspective

If you are a doctor running your own medical practice, caring for patients and managing your staff are likely to take up much of your valuable time.
Should Physicians Have an IT Consultant? When?
Clinical News

Should Physicians Have an IT Consultant? When?

More and more of the paperwork the doctor does is becoming digitized.
New Doctors: Are White Coat Ceremonies Necessary?
Branding & Exposure

New Doctors: Are White Coat Ceremonies Necessary?

No doctor alive will tell you they can forget their medical school days.
How Patients Can Utilize the Internet Before Seeing a Doctor
Clinical News

How Patients Can Utilize the Internet Before Seeing a Doctor

Today, the internet and social media have truly impacted several industries, one of the biggest being the healthcare industry. A majority of patients are turning to the internet to do research before going to see their doctor.
Doctor-Patient Romantic Relationships: Is there a Line, and Should It Be Crossed?
Doctor Lifestyle

Doctor-Patient Romantic Relationships: Is There a Line, and Should It Be Crossed?

One of the most perplexing situations a doctor can find themselves in is realizing they are strongly attracted to a patient. Many doctors believe their professional objectivity should counteract such emotions. However, recent studies on doctor responses clearly indicate many of them aren’t exactly willing to denounce every romance.
How Often Should A Doctor Blog?
Branding & Exposure

How Often Should a Doctor Blog?

Before you create your blog and start writing posts, it is essential that you decide how often you want–or need–to write. Generally, the more frequently you post, the greater traffic and exposure you may get. Yet, is there a minimum frequency that doctors, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals need to post articles or videos?
SOAP Notes
Clinical News

SOAP Notes

How many patients does a doctor see per day?
10 Tips to Communicate with Your Patients Better
Doctor Lifestyle

10 Tips to Communicate with Your Patients Better

Effective communication is vital to delivering quality care and building solid doctor patient relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
Hospital-owned or Private Practice: What Doctors Should Know
Clinical News

Hospital-owned or Private Practice: What Doctors Should Know

As doctors there’s no shortage of working conditions and environments.
Respecting a Patient's Right to Choose
Doctor Reputation

Respecting a Patient's Right to Choose

The basic rights of human beings emphasize the importance of decision, behavior, action, expression, and protection by law. In healthcare, it is essential to respect the rights of all individuals who step foot in a health facility.
Should You Convince Patients to Travel for a Second Opinion?
Doctor Lifestyle

Should You Convince Patients to Travel for a Second Opinion?

Most individuals, at the very least, face one major health-related decision at one point in their lives. Sometimes their diagnosis or treatment plan may not be clear and when it isn’t, a patient may be interested in getting a second opinion.
What Doctors Can Learn from Twitter
Branding & Exposure

What Doctors Can Learn from Twitter

Social media platforms are a great way for doctors to spread awareness on health-related topics, manage their own reputations, market their practices, and attract new patients.
Top 10 Reasons Why A Doctor Should Blog
Branding & Exposure

Top 10 Reasons Why a Doctor Should Blog

The world of blogging is continuing to grow on a daily basis. Online presence for a doctor is a need these days, not just a passion. Blogging opens up an entire world of possibilities where you can connect to other trusted medical experts and establish a professional network of resources. The more valuable information you share, the more your brand will grow.
Do You Charge Patients for Missing Appointments? Should You?
Doctor Reputation

Do You Charge Patients for Missing Appointments? Should You?

Patients not arriving for appointments can make a doctor’s day worse.
Drug Advertising's Impact on Your Practice
Doctor Reputation

Drug Advertising's Impact on Your Practice

There’s an ad for everything in the world these days and drugs are no exception.
How Can Doctors Reduce Patient Readmission into the Hospital?
Doctor Reputation

How Can Doctors Reduce Patient Readmission into the Hospital?

Hospital readmissions are associated with increased financial costs and poor patient outcomes.
Helping Patients Continue Treatment after Receiving Good News
Practice Marketing

Helping Patients Continue Treatment after Receiving Good News

Delivering good news to a patient is always a wonderful feeling for both the patient and the doctor.
Helpful Tips for the First Day Working at a New Hospital
Doctor Reputation

Helpful Tips for the First Day Working at a New Hospital

Your first day working at a new hospital is similar to starting the first day of high school or college – you may feel excited, yet a bit insecure. Although starting a new job is a period in your life filled with great promise and expectations, it may also cause you to feel nervous.
10 Most Common HIPAA Violations
Clinical News

10 Most Common HIPAA Violations

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, was passed in 1996 to uphold the standards of security, privacy, and transfer-ability of personal health information.

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