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Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Healthy Living

Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is something every person can do. Even a well-organized person does it. It is a bad, yet a hard habit to break. Have you been putting things off lately? Are your deadlines getting closer and closer, and yet you keep putting it off to do it later, and in the last minute, you feel the stress and pain to complete it? If you are a procrastinator, you have to read this article. There are some tips that you can try to overcome procrastination. Scroll down the page to learn these life-changing tips.
What Medications Are Required to Treat Meningitis?
Healthy Living

What Medications Are Required to Treat Meningitis?

The type of treatment to use depends on the organism that causes the illness, the severity of the disease, and the age and overall health status of the patient. Understanding the signs and symptoms of meningitis can help in the early treatment of the disease. Read this article to learn more!
Is Legionnaires' Disease a Serious Medical Condition?
Healthy Living

Is Legionnaires' Disease a Serious Medical Condition?

Legionnaires' disease is a serious condition that affects the lungs and causes pneumonia. It is a bacterial infection that occurs due to the inhalation of legionella bacteria through various sources. Learn more about the disease in this article.
What is a Prefrontal Lobotomy?
Healthy Living

What Is a Prefrontal Lobotomy?

Prefrontal lobotomy is a type of lobotomy which involves reaching the frontal part of the brain from the gap of the eye socket. This procedure was developed by Freeman and Watts based on the typical lobotomy procedure invented by Moniz. Read on and learn more about prefrontal lobotomy.
Tips to Overcome Procrastination for Each Type of Procrastinator
Healthy Living

Tips to Overcome Procrastination for Each Type of Procrastinator

Ever wondered how to overcome procrastination? Well, you have landed on the right page. Read this article to learn how to beat procrastination.
Tips on Living with IBS
Healthy Living

Tips on Living with IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome can easily take over a patient's life. However, there are concrete steps a patient can take to manage the condition. Read on to find out more.
What are the Symptoms of Sepsis?
Healthy Living

What Are the Symptoms of Sepsis?

Sepsis happens when there is an overwhelming response in the body against an infection. It can lead to organ failure and is considered as a life-threatening complication. Continue reading this article to know the symptoms of sepsis.
Home Remedies for the Chicken Pox
Healthy Living

Home Remedies for Chickenpox

Read this article to learn about the different home remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of chickenpox.
What are the Pros and Cons of Lasik Eye Surgery?
Healthy Living

What are the Pros and Cons of Lasik Eye Surgery?

A person assessing the need for Lasik surgery may feel discouraged after reading the fine print detailing the risks inherent in the surgery. The best solution is to clinically weigh the risks and benefits of the surgery by relating them to your specific condition to arrive at a decision aided by professionals advocating more advanced versions of Lasik and patients who have actually undergone the procedure.
Everything You Need to Know About Lasik Eye Surgery
Healthy Living

Everything You Need to Know About Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery is a powerful new weapon in the ophthalmologist’s armory for correcting common eye disorders such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The candidate’s suitability for the surgery needs to be determined by the specialist who will also educate the patient regarding the risks involved and discuss non-surgical alternatives that may be better suited to the individual.
What to Expect After a Biopsy
Men's Health

What to Expect After a Biopsy

A biopsy is a medical or surgical procedure that involves taking a sample of a suspicious tissue for further microscopic examination. There are many things you should expect from an invasive or non-invasive biopsy. They include changes in your diet, physical activities, and the wound healing process. This article focuses on the things that you should expect after undergoing a biopsy procedure.
How is Binge Eating Disorder Diagnosed?
Healthy Living

How is Binge Eating Disorder Diagnosed?

If a doctor suspects the presence of binge eating disorder, physical examination and evaluation of the patient’s medical history is always the next step. The doctor will use a number of diagnostic tests, such as urine and blood tests, and other lab-related tests to rule out any physical factors that might be the cause of the symptoms.
Holistic Treatments for Bladder Cancer
Healthy Living

Holistic Treatments for Bladder Cancer

It is important to always maintain a healthy lifestyle. As much as possible, try to minimize the risks of getting bladder cancer by using natural remedies. There are also some holistic treatments for bladder cancer that you should know. Continue reading this article to know other alternative treatments for bladder cancer.
What Causes Sinusitis?
Healthy Living

What Causes Sinusitis?

Irritation, infection, and inflammation of the air cavities making up the sinus system are brought on by multiple factors that may or may not work in tandem. Allergies, infection, and chronic conditions are mostly responsible for triggering sinusitis.
How is Testicular Cancer Diagnosed?
Healthy Living

How is Testicular Cancer Diagnosed?

Testicular cancer raises serious concerns, but only if cancer has progressed to a stage where it starts affecting other organs like the lungs. Early detection and prompt diagnosis of testicular cancer substantially increase the chances of survival in affected men. When cancer is confined to the testicles, treatment can ensure 99 percent recovery.
Does Bladder Cancer Require Chemotherapy for Treatment?
Healthy Living

Does Bladder Cancer Require Chemotherapy for Treatment?

Chemotherapy is one of the most used treatment methods for bladder cancer. It is also used together with other treatment methods such as radiation therapy to reinforce the effectiveness. In other cases, it is done after a surgical treatment to prevent the tumors from coming back. Learn more about chemotherapy and bladder cancer treatment in this article.

Are At-Home Hair Removal Kits Effective?
Beauty and Anti Aging

Are At-Home Hair Removal Kits Effective?

You might think that hair removal should be private and at-home, but how effective are these hair removal kits? We have the latest information here.
What is Testicular Cancer: Get the Facts
Healthy Living

What is Testicular Cancer: Get the Facts

Testicular cancer, though not as dangerous or life-threatening as other forms of cancer, has the potential of impacting the sexual performance and overall health of the individual. Early detection and remedial treatment promise full recovery from the ailment.
What is Acute Sinusitis?
Healthy Living

What Is Acute Sinusitis?

Also known as acute rhinosinusitis, acute sinusitis is the short-term inflammation of the sinuses’ membranes. This prevents mucus from easily draining out of the nose. Acute sinusitis affects 37 million or more Americans annually, making it a common infection.
How Is Cervical Cancer Diagnosed?
Women's Health

How Is Cervical Cancer Diagnosed?

Cervical cancer, the third most common form of cancer in women, can easily be diagnosed through the use of screening tests. Women who are 21 years old and above are advised to have screening tests for cervical cancer on a regular basis to be able to detect the disease early on. Early detection is the key to a successful treatment.
Here Are Some Natural Remedies for Indigestion
Diet and Nutrition

Here Are Some Natural Remedies for Indigestion

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is an uncomfortable feeling or pain that is felt in the upper abdomen between your breast bone and the navel. Indigestion typically develops soon after a meal, especially if it is a fatty or a spicy meal. However, indigestion can also be triggered by many other conditions including gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), anxiety, obesity, ulcers, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and certain medicinal drugs. Continue reading to learn about natural home remedies for indigestion.
Are There Long Term Complications For A Cholecystectomy?
Healthy Living

Are There Long Term Complications For A Cholecystectomy?

One uncommon serious complication of cholecystectomy is injury to the common bile duct, which connects the cystic and common hepatic ducts to the duodenum. An injured bile duct can leak bile and cause a painful and potentially dangerous infection. Majority of the cases of minor injury to the common bile duct can be managed non-surgically, however major injury is a very serious issue that may require corrective surgery, by an experienced biliary surgeon.
Alternative Treatments for Testicular Cancer?
Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for Testicular Cancer?

The search for alternative therapies to treat testicular cancer gains prominence when conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation produce serious side effects that destroy the quality of living. There are a few treatments under naturopathy and oriental medicine that have gained popularity with cancer patients as they do not involve chemical or radiological intervention which damage healthy tissues.
Is Hepatitis B Contagious? Acute vs. Chronic Hepatitis B Infection
Healthy Living

Is Hepatitis B Contagious?

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the most deadly viruses that can cause irreparable damage to the liver. Learning about the infection it causes can help you prevent it and treat it at the earliest.
Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?
Beauty and Anti Aging

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

Laser hair removal treatment is a safe procedure, accompanied with only a little pain when performed by professionals. However, it can be dangerous with possible complications if not performed, properly.

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