Tips to Overcome Procrastination for Each Type of Procrastinator
Ever wondered how to overcome procrastination? Well, you have landed on the right page. This article focuses on how to beat procrastination. Each of us procrastinates for different reasons, and we all do it sometimes at least at one stage of our lives. There are six styles of procrastinators identified and all of them have been described in the article: The Types of Procrastinators – Which Type Are You? If you haven’t read it already, go back and read it to identify which type of procrastinator you are and come back here to learn how to overcome procrastination in those types.
The Six Styles of Procrastination and How You Can Overcome Them
1. The Perfectionist
Perfectionists set high standards for themselves. They want everything they do to be perfect, and as a result, they fail to complete their projects on time.
How can you overcome this?
- First of all, understand that you cannot always be perfect. As the saying goes, "No one is perfect," we cannot always be perfect in everything we do. It is okay to make a few errors here and there. It is normal, so focus on setting some realistic and reachable goals, rather than ideal and unrealistic ones. This way, you can work towards excellence rather than perfection.
- Get some help from other people if you feel that you are under too much pressure. Getting some support will reduce the pressure on you and will help you do your work better.
- Make one mistake each day knowingly. This way, you can get used to the fact that it is okay to make a few mistakes every now and then.
- Maintain a planner. Write down your to-do list every day. Break down each task into smaller manageable tasks and note them down, and as you go through the day, tick off the tasks that you complete. This will ensure that you won’t miss any tasks and all of them gets completed.
- Reward yourself for completing your to-do list at the end of the day. It may be something small as having a candy or something like having a night out with your friends or family.
- Be positive.
2. The Dreamer
Unlike the perfectionist, the dreamer hates to focus on great detail. They dream about great ideas on how to get things done but put things off because they are unable to concentrate on those tiny details.
How can you overcome this?
- Don’t just dream; put those dreams into reality. Turn them into some concrete goals and start working towards them regularly.
- Imagine how it would feel when you succeed after actually putting those dreams into action. That feeling is going to be just marvelous, so spend some time and get into action to reach your goal.
- Remember that you are not an exceptional person and that the same standards and expectations apply to you.
- Make yourself a to-do list and assign a few tasks every day, and as you go through the day, tick off the tasks that you complete.
- Keep an alarm or a reminder on your phone to remind you to get back to work.
- Plan your tasks.
- Avoid a wandering mind. Get active and explain things to someone or teach someone else about your project.
3. The Worrier
“What if’s” get in the way of worriers. They fear change and usually believe that many tasks seem to be risky or unnecessary.
How can you overcome this?
- Don’t let “what if” questions get in the way. Don’t let it take you out of action.
- Break down your tasks into smaller activities to reduce your anxiety.
- Do a little every day. Being steady and slow will win the race! Do at least one of those tasks that you kept putting off. This will slowly reduce the load of work that you have to complete.
- Think about the parts of the project that actually interest you and do them first.
- Make realistic goals by taking time into consideration. Ask a friend to help you if needed.
4. The Crisis-Maker
Crisis-makers are people who actually delay things to the last minute because they just love the feeling of an adrenaline rush. They put things off by saying that they work best under pressure, but in the end, often find it impossible to complete their work. Even if they do, they will not be able to complete it with their maximum potential.
How can you overcome this?
- Think about the reasons why you should complete a project before the deadline.
- Realize that you will never know if you will enjoy doing the task until you actually start the task. What if you find it really boring? How are you going to muster up some motivation to complete it?
- Think about the positive aspects of responsibilities.
- Reward yourself for completing a task earlier than the deadline.
- Identify other motivating factors to get you started on this project and do not just use stress as a motivator.
- What if something unavoidable circumstances occur and put you in a situation where you don’t have enough time to complete your last minute tasks.
- Record everything about your crisis and not what triggered them, and how you reacted toward each one.
5. The Defier
You think that many tasks are unfair or unnecessary in terms of energy and time. You rebel against external deadlines and expectations.
How can you overcome this?
- Choose your own battles and consider their consequences.
- Prioritize your tasks and spend your time and energy on these tasks first. Make a list and paste it on your wall or someplace where you can easily see it.
- Ask yourself, "Are long-term regrets worth the short-term pleasures?"
- Strive to act.
- Select one task and complete it within a week according to your own time and pace to satisfy your need for individuality.
6. The Overdoer
Overdoers cannot say "no" to other people. There is too much on the plate that they can’t actually say "no" or set appropriate boundaries. Therefore, they do not have enough time to complete them at all.
How to overcome this?
- You have to prioritize your tasks.
- Helping others is good, but make sure that you have completed your tasks first. Your academic success should come first before anything else or anyone else’s happiness.
- You are in control of what you are going to do, so take control and complete your tasks first.
- Learn to say "no" to others.
- You deserve a little break and reward yourself for everything you do. Thus, don’t pressure yourself and avoid making yourself busy by not accepting everything others appoint you to do.
- Ask for help, if needed.
- Make a daily to-do list based on your priorities.