Beauty and Anti Aging

Breast Augmentation: What are Saline Implants?

Breast Augmentation: What are Saline Implants?

Saline breast implants contain germ-free saltwater. In case the shell of the implant ruptures, the saline implant collapses. Then the body absorbs the salty water and excretes it naturally. Women who are at least 18 years of age can have this FDA-accepted breast augmentation method. Women who choose saline implants prefer a more natural appearance. Even though saline implants feel less natural than silicone implants, they pose a minimal danger if they rupture.

Saline implants come in a variety of sizes, and you have the option of choosing either the ones with smooth or rough shells. The implants also serve as corrections in cases where the initial surgical operation isn’t fully effective. Although saline implants improve one's appearance and feel somewhat natural, they can lead to cosmetic issues, like rippling, as well as wrinkling of the breast skin, and too much stretching of the lower breast pole. The implants are also noticeable by their look or feel.

Women with extremely small breast tissue and those requiring post-mastectomy breast surgery are highly prone to this issue. Therefore, silicone-gel implants are more suitable than saline implants for breast augmentation and corrective breast surgeries, since they are less noticeable. Women with a lot of muscle in their breasts that require the submuscular emplacement surgery method can go for saline breast implants and still get the same results as those produced by silicone breast implants.

Pros of saline implants

  • Less costly
  • Flexibility
  • Smaller scars
  • Rare and easily detectable ruptures
  • Wide range of options
  • Applicable to females below the age of 22 years

Cons of saline implants

  • Unlike silicone prosthetic breasts, which feel almost natural, saline implants usually make the shape of the breasts appear more round and they also feel firmer
  • People who have saline implants are highly vulnerable to capsular contracture

What to do after an implant rupture?

There are various approaches to correct a ruptured implant, depending on the nature of the artificial implant (saline or silicone).

Ruptured saline implant

A ruptured saline breast deflates, affecting the breast size and shape.

The saline solution drips from the artificial breast, and then it is absorbed by the body without exposing the victim to health dangers. However, surgery may be required, but you'll probably need surgery to take out the silicone shell from the body. Depending on the preference of the patient, a new artificial breast may be placed as soon as the shell is removed.


You can’t keep artificial implants in your body permanently. You will occasionally need to have surgery to remove the implants.

Some of the prominent problems caused by breast implants consist of capsular contracture, repeat surgery, removal of the implant, rupture, as well as deflation of the implants, wrinkling, non-uniformity, the presence of a scar, pain, and infections. Besides, females with breast implants have a higher chance of developing anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

There has been no medically proven evidence linking saline breast implants with connective tissue illness, breast cancer, or complications that affect a woman’s reproductive system. Nevertheless, further studies on these problems and others which occur less frequently are necessary.

You can get the most recent information on how safe saline implants are by checking out their labels and discussing this with your doctor.

Silicone and saline breast implants: Which ones are superior?

  • Saline implants are usually preferred by many women who are older than 18 for breast augmentation. With a minimum age of 22, a woman can choose to have silicone-filled breast implants. Silicone-filled breast implants cause minimal wrinkles or ripples on a woman’s breasts, thus making them more suitable for post-mastectomy breast correction or in cases where breast implants are placed on top of the body muscles.
  • The external shell of a saline artificial breast is made of silicone. The most recent silicone gel prosthetic breasts also have shells made of silicone. Inside the shells is a cohesive silicone gel filling, which holds together uniformly, making the implants feel natural.
  • Silicone implants appear normal and natural. On the other hand, saline-filled artificial breasts look rounder, particularly in slimmer women with less breast tissue. American Society of Plastic Surgeons' study indicates that the majority of women with personal experience with saline implants say that the artificial breasts feel like having a water balloon.
  • The surgery involving silicone gel implants includes making a cut under the breast or around the dark area of the nipple and inserting the implant through the cut. In addition to these points of insertion, saline implants can also be put through a cut in the armpit.
  • Due to their lighter weight than saline implants, silicone implants are less likely to be displaced downwards as a result of gravity. It is important for every woman to note this factor, especially those with sagging breasts.
  • Silicone implants are supposed to be filled with silicone gel prior to insertion. Therefore, a larger cut is required for them to be inserted as compared to saline implants. Besides, during an operation, a surgeon can fill or make changes to saline implants, thus reducing or decreasing their volumes to achieve the desired appearance.
  • Silicone implants are a little bit more costly as compared to saline implants. You should consider this while calculating the overall cost of the breast augmentation operation.

Scar formation

Saline artificial breasts comprise of an external silicone shell and a saline solution inside. The cuts required for inserting saline implants are a bit smaller since the shell can be filled with the solution after it is inserted in the wall of your chest.

Saline implants can be inserted through more parts (breast fold, armpit, belly button, and areola) as compared to silicone implants whose insertion is limited to breast folds and armpits only.

Therefore, saline implants cause smaller scars as compared to silicone implants, and the patient has a wider range of insertion point alternatives to choose from.

Point to note

Both saline and silicone implants have benefits and drawbacks. Your preferences should be the major factor to consider while choosing between saline and silicone implants.

If you want to increase the size of your breasts, either silicone or saline implants will be okay for you. If your breasts are small in size and you want them to appear larger, silicone implants will be a better option for you, since they have a natural feeling and the chances of rippling will be minimal.

However, you should also factor in your preference and readiness to come to terms with the fact that the artificial breasts are prone to rupture, although it poses no health danger and only occurs in rare cases. Additionally, the rupture may not be detected immediately. Also, consult your surgeon to help you make the best choice.

Who qualifies to have saline implants?

Saline implants are suitable for enlarging or reconstructing breasts. These artificial breasts help in enlarging breasts and making them have their original elevation and shape, especially in women with uncomfortable shapes and volumes as a result of giving birth or aging. For a woman to get any breast implant, she shouldn’t be pregnant or lactating, and she must be in good health.  

Final Thoughts

Saline implants may or may not be the correct choice for you. The decision will depend on various factors, including your natural breast shape and size, as well as your preferences.