Symptoms of wrinkling can appear all over the body.
Wrinkles are the lines and creases that form in the skin.
Some wrinkles can become deep cervices or furrows.
It may become especially noticeable around
3 Causes
Wrinkles are caused by some of the following factors:
Age: Skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile as age increases. The production of natural oil decreases and leads to drawing up of skin and the fat in the deeper layers is lost giving skin a wrinkled appearance.
UV radiation: It breaks the collagen and elastin fibers which are the support of skin structure leading to development of wrinkles.
Smoking: It causes microvasculature defects in the skin which leads to faster aging process.
Repeated facial expressions: Such as squinting or smiling may lead to development of fine lines and wrinkles.
4 Making a Diagnosis
Diagnosis of wrinkles is not very complex.
Simple physical examination is the only diagnostic tool.
The lines and creases on the skin are the signs of wrinkles.
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