Beauty and Anti Aging

How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

You may be needed to do the following as you prepare for a breast augmentation operation:

  • Have your blood tested.
  • Consume a particular drug regimen; you may have to alter the ones you were previously on.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes contain harmful substances like nicotine and carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide interferes with the supply of oxygen supply to body cells, thus suffocating the tissues that are responsible for healing during your recovery process from the operation. Nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow. Therefore, the supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients sent by the body to the surgical wounds becomes difficult. So, cigarette smoking leads to a prolonged healing process and makes you vulnerable to infection, among other problems after the operation.
  • Avoid anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs as well as supplements such as omega-3, cod liver oil garlic and vitamin E.
  • Avoid specific anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can have breast augmentation operation in an officially authorized outpatient or ambulatory surgical facility or a hospital. If you opt to have the surgery as an outpatient, ensure that you have a person who will accompany you to and from the facility in which you are intending have the surgery. It is wise for this person to stay with you for the next 24 hours after the operation, just in case. Remember that it's a smart idea to do extensive research. This way, you can compare services such as NexGen Plastic Surgery with similar ones and see which fits your needs best.

The Day of the Surgery

1. Use your usual soap and water to shower.

2. Shave your armpits if you opt for the trans-axillary breast augmentation surgery.

3. Avoid applying any type of body lotion or antiperspirants.

4. Brush your teeth without drinking any water. Only take small sips of water, while swallowing the prescribed medication.

5. Avoid taking all diabetic drugs.

6. Take only the prescribed blood pressure drugs.

7. Carry all the medications that you are currently using as you go to the surgical operation facility.

8. Arrive at the surgery facility two hours before your booked time for the surgery so that nurses can register you, give you any required medication, and give you time to relax before the operation. 

Take into consideration the following breast augmentation factors before you have the surgical operation:

  • Prosthetic breasts are not corrections to sagging breasts. If you want to prevent your breast from sagging, you can have a breast lift instead of an augmentation.
  • The prosthetic breasts may not last throughout your life since they may break. Besides, the breasts keep growing old after the surgery. The appearance of the breasts may also be affected by changes in body weight. This issue may require another surgery.
  • There might be more complexities in mammograms. People with artificial breasts need specialized check-ups.
  • You might require frequent Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans. The monitoring of silicone prosthetic breasts using frequent MRI scans is recommended by the Food and Drug Administration. The first scan should be done three years after having the first breast augmentation and then every two years after that.
  • Artificial breasts may interfere with breastfeeding. Although some women have no problems breast feeding after having a breast implant, others encounter challenges while feeding their babies from their breasts.
  • Your insurance policy may not cover your breast implants. Insurance companies don’t cover breast augmentation unless it is prescribed by your doctor, for instance, after mastectomy. Otherwise, you will pay for all the expenses that are related to the operation.
  • You might require another surgical operation if you opt to have your implants removed. After your breast implants are removed, a breast lift or other corrective operation may be an option you'll want to consider.

Danger Signs

  • Body temperature exceeding 101 degrees, with the presence or absence of chills.
  • Too much swelling leading to tight, restrictive bandages - especially if the swelling causes a significant difference on one side of your body as compared to the other.
  • Excessive constant bleeding. Apply direct, constant pressure to the bleeding area for ten minutes and remain persistently calm. Contact a doctor or ask someone to transport you to the emergency room.
  • Constant throwing up.

Recommended Diet

It is normal to feel extremely thirsty for several days after the operation. Drink a lot of juice. If you have a sore throat, try drinking lukewarm caffeine-free tea with honey. Alternatively, consume citrus-free fruit juices, for instance, those made from apples, pears or peaches.

Also, you may eat lozenges or ice cream for a soothing effect. Your appetite may diminish for several days after surgery - this is normal. To avoid dehydration and reduce constipation, drink a lot of fluids, especially drinks like Gatorade, which have balanced electrolyte levels. You may also drink low-sodium chicken soup.

The Day of the Surgery

Start with clear liquid diet as soon as you come out of the surgery room. Then, depending on your tolerance, advance your meals to normal foods.

The following include clear liquid diets:

  • Tea with minimal or no caffeine
  • Coffee with minimal or no caffeine
  • Juice extracted from cranberries
  • Juice extracted from apples
  • Clear broth

As your appetite improves, eat foods that are easy to digest; for instance, soups, ice cream with minimal fat, and milkshakes with minimal calorie levels, pudding, yogurt, or baby food. Keep off additional salt, caffeine, spices, foods with excess salt or fats, and dairy products with a high-fat content. You may also be asked to follow extra instructions on diets in case you have a surgical operation on your abdomen. After having a surgery on your face, you should take a clear liquid or soft diet for seven days. Avoid firm chewing or opening your mouth wide to prevent further tension.


  • Check out a list of prohibited foods post-surgery.
  • Antibiotic medications consist of yogurt, acidophilus milk, or lactobacillus capsules. Take these every day to reduce the risks of yeast infection.
  • Follow your usual drug regimen, after obtaining your doctor's permission.
  • Take pain relieving drugs regularly for two days after the surgery. For example, take one or two Tylenol tablets for two days at an interval of four hours. Research shows that mild pain relieving drugs are effective in relieving the discomfort that occurs as a result of the surgery. You can also take stronger pain-relieving drugs if your discomfort intensifies, especially in the afternoons or evenings. However, don’t have to take pain relieving drugs or sleep medication if your discomfort isn’t serious enough to bother you or deny you sleep.
  • Menstrual periods: After having a breast augmentation surgery, a woman may have irregular periods or skip her menstrual flow for one or two months. This isn’t a danger sign. With time, you will adjust and get your normal menstrual cycle back. Maintain your normal birth control method, if you are using one.

After the Operation

  • Although it is important to be visited by your family and friends, make a decision on the periods that you want them to see you so that you have enough time to rest and sleep.
  • Don’t exhaust yourself by engaging excessively in activities. Take breaks in the course of your activities. If you decide to take a walk, ensure that you dress appropriately for whatever weather you are experiencing.
  • Your surgical site may swell a couple days after the operation. This is normal and the swelling will disappear after a few days. Elevate the site and apply icy cold pads to reduce the swelling. Ensure that the temperature in your room isn’t too high to avoid more swelling.
  • Avoid exposing yourself to direct sunlight if you notice a discolored bleeding or bruising as a result of too much bleeding. You can relax in a warm bathtub for a soothing experience. Nevertheless, dry the bandages completely if you still have them or avoid taking a bath for one week or shower for two days after having the operation.
  • You can reduce the irritation on your intravenous site by applying a warm wet washcloth.