Pregnancy and Motherhood with Fibromyalgia
With every pregnancy, women will most often experience nausea as well as excessive tiredness, or fatigue, in the early stages of the pregnancy. For pregnant women diagnosed with fibromyalgia, these feelings will be amplified. Keep reading to learn more about pregnant women living with fibromyalgia.
What if I Do Not Want My Child to Undergo MMR Vaccination?
The MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is the safest, most effective way to protect children against three diseases that can have serious, even fatal, consequences. Still, there are parents who refuse or are reluctant to have their child vaccinated. Read on to learn about the potential consequences of choosing not to have your child undergo MMR vaccination.
Cloudy Urine During Pregnancy
Although having cloudy urine during pregnancy is usually normal, it might be the opposite in some cases. Having cloudy urine does not necessarily mean that you're ill.
Can Antibiotics Help Treat Syphilis?
Yes, antibiotics (specifically penicillin) are the only medications, or it is better to say, the only possible medical approach, towards treating syphilis in the present day.
What Age Group is Affected by Binge Eating Disorder?
Statistics reveal that 79 percent of women over 50 years in the Unites States are experiencing major body distress and are concerned about their weight. This in turn is taking a toll on their health and well-being.