Diet and Nutrition

5 Diet Tips to Help Control Fibromyalgia Symptoms

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5 Diet Tips to Help Control Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Over five million people worldwide have fibromyalgia.  While there is no known cure, physicians and researchers believe that diet can play a huge role in the management of fibromyalgia symptoms.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that is characterized by widespread pain in the bones and muscles, as well as areas of tenderness.

This disorder is still considered a "mystery" as every patient experiences different symptoms and do not have an obvious cause. While some experts and skeptics say that this disorder does not exist, we know that it is very real.

Researchers are still looking for why the disease is caused, but there are also searching for a cure. However, patients can alleviate some of their debilitating symptoms by making lifestyle changes, including a healthier diet.

We have gathered five essential tips to help you better manage your symptoms of fibro. However, keep in mind, that not every one of these tips will work for everyone. Fibromyalgia is an individualized disorder, which means that every patient has a different experience with symptoms.

1. Remember to have your handful of Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to joint and muscle pain.

Make sure that you regularly check your level of vitamin D. Vitamin D is said to be a vital nutrient to help fibro patients relieve their fatigue and pain. Vitamin D might not be a wonder vitamin, but it plays an important role in fibromyalgia management.

Vitamin D is also known as the "sunshine vitamin," as it typically comes from the sun's rays. But it is a little hard to get. A deficiency in vitamin D leads to joint and muscle pain, and it is critical to build healthy bones, regulate blood pressure and improve the immune systems.

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium as well. Lona Sandon, RD, assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas says, "If you have a vitamin D deficiency, particularly in your older years, it can lead to osteoporosis or osteomalacia or bone softening."

Recent evidence also links low levels of vitamin D to an increased risk of type 1 diabetes, breast and colon cancer,  and additional muscle and bone loss.

For more vitamin D, add eggs, fish, fortified cereals, dairy and fruit juices to your diet. Take vitamin D supplements if you test lower than the recommended level.

Read on for four other essential tips and two mouth-watering recipes.