Diet and Nutrition

Green Tea Can Reduce the Harms of the Western Diet

Green Tea Can Reduce the Harms of the Western Diet
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Green Tea Can Reduce the Harms of the Western Diet

As one of the highest consumed beverages around the globe, it can be said that those who have green tea daily are much more likely to have better health than those who do not consume this beverage. The Western diet can be full of unhealthy foods. Red meats at a high intake and other forms of trans fats have been shown to increase the risk of diabetes and other negative types of health issues that can arise from this type of diet. Although there needs to be more research done on this topic, there are those who have found out ways to better increase their longevity through the use of green tea. There are certain compounds in green tea that can be helpful in living a longer life.

This type of diet that is rich in trans-fats and processed sugars must be addressed for overall and better health for those who are looking for better ways to have their health in check. It is not always easy for those who are looking for ways to lose weight overall. In fact, the number of Americans with obesity is expected to rise in years to come. This is something that has been a serious problem for those who are facing different struggles with their diet. While not always an easy thing to take in, getting better over time with diet changes is something at those with a most Western diet need to address.

Foods that are good and good for you must be introduced to upcoming generations, as the epidemic of fast food and trans-fats is coming to ever growing popularity with certain food trends. Addressing these issues and concerns will benefit society as a whole and overall. Knowing where to look for better food options is just one way; green tea can be there to assist in making those choices! Green tea has been shown to assist with not only weight loss, but lowers the risks of many diseases that people can face overall. One of these issues of a Western diet is also something that can be a cause of concern down the road. Dementia and other memory related illnesses have actually been shown to develop in those who follow a strict Western diet.

Food that goes into the body matters. Eating healthier foods will make one live longer overall and can increase the happiness of the individual. Green tea has a compound known as EGCG, which can help prevent the effects that one may face thanks to a more Western diet. In these studies that focused on the compounds in green tea, mice were given these compounds in various doses were able to better regulate their weight and showed improvement in many areas. Although there have not been as many trials ran on people, there are still hopeful ways of finding out the overall benefits of green tea. This type of compound can have impacts on aging in a great manner, even slowing down the process as some have theorized! Overall, the usage of green tea without any added sugars is very much suggested when discussing what can be done to help counteract a Western diet.