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Anne M. Delaney, PHD


Dr. Anne Delaney is an audiologist practicing in Charlottesville, VA. She has over 20 year of experience working with people with hearing loss and hearing-related problems.  She is licensed by the Virginia Board of Audiology and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology (FAAA).
Anne M. Delaney, PHD
  • Glen Allen, VA
  • Accepting new patients

My ear is leaking blood badly?

It is important that you go see an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist right away. Call and ask for an appointment as soon as possible due to an injury, explaining that you READ MORE
It is important that you go see an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist right away. Call and ask for an appointment as soon as possible due to an injury, explaining that you have clear liquid draining from your ear. It is something that should not wait.

Anne M. Delaney, Ph.D., F-AAA

Can difficulty hearing affect your speech?

We fully develop our speech abilities at an early age. It is unlikely that a gradual hearing loss over time would affect your speech. Some people may speak LOUDER to compensate, READ MORE
We fully develop our speech abilities at an early age. It is unlikely that a gradual hearing loss over time would affect your speech. Some people may speak LOUDER to compensate, while others may be SLIGHTLY affected if they can't hear themselves produce the "s" sound. First step - see an audiologist for a comprehensive hearing evaluation. That audiologist will refer you to another professional if needed. But a Heairng test is the place to start.

My hearing loss is being attributed to my mental illness?

Most hearing losses cannot be identified by an MRI. There are OBJECTIVE tests that can determine whether a Heairng loss is present: Auditory brainstem response (ABR) in conjunction READ MORE
Most hearing losses cannot be identified by an MRI. There are OBJECTIVE tests that can determine whether a Heairng loss is present: Auditory brainstem response (ABR) in conjunction with otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). If both of those tests are WNL, there may be an underlying functional issue. Those tests need to be conducted in order to confirm what is going on.


YES. Seek out an audiologist who specializes in Tinnitus in your area. There is much that can be done once the cause of the issue is identified.

What causes buzzing noises in your ear?

Buzzing, or tinnitus, is common. It is usually associated with hearing loss, noise exposure, or medications that attack the hearing system. If you have persistent buzzing, the READ MORE
Buzzing, or tinnitus, is common. It is usually associated with hearing loss, noise exposure, or medications that attack the hearing system. If you have persistent buzzing, the first step is to consult with an audiologist who specializes in tinnitus. If the buzzing is occasional and not bothersome, an evaluation by an audiologist can wait until/unless something changes.