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Dr. Ismael Gonzalez Rangel, MD

Cardiologist (Pediatric)

Dr. Ismael Gonzalez Rangel is a pediatric cardiologist practicing in Southeast Michigan. Dr. Gonzalez Rangel specializes in caring for fetuses, infants, children and adolescents with cardiovascular or cardiac abnormalities. Practiced in both inpatient and outpatient settings, the scope of conditions cared for by pediatric cardiologists is large and includes congenital heart defects, heart muscle disorders, rhythm disturbances, hypertension and is always proactive in preventive cardiology, making sure children's hearts stay healthy.
13 years Experience
Dr. Ismael Gonzalez Rangel, MD
Specializes in:
  • Pediatric Cardiologist
  • Sterling Heights, MI
  • Rush University
  • Accepting new patients

Ensuring Children's Cardiac Health: The Role of Screening and Awareness

Title: Ensuring Children's Cardiac Health: The Role of Screening and AwarenessIntroduction: As the director of the Student Heart Check Program at my previous hospital for several...