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Dr. Annie Casta, M.D.

Family Practitioner

Dr. Annie Casta is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Miami, FL. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Casta is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
13 years Experience
Dr. Annie Casta, M.D.
  • Miami, FL
  • San Juan Bautista School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Question about a burn

Hi, I would seek medical help as they can prescribe silvadene cream and antibiotics if needed.

I'm having fluid overload?

Hi, yes you can try. But if after you are not feeling better go to ER. or come see me on Monday.

Neck artery?

You may have a node in the area. We can order an US if you come and see me.

Erectile dysfunction?

Amlodipine rarely causes erectile dysfunction. But if it has not improved you can talk to your PCP about changing it to another one or you can come see me at the office to discuss. READ MORE
Amlodipine rarely causes erectile dysfunction. But if it has not improved you can talk to your PCP about changing it to another one or you can come see me at the office to discuss.

How to take care of skin knots?

I am a sports physician and do OMT (osteopathic manipulation therapy), which helps relieves pain in the neck area.

I had Lorazepam 7 hours after drinking?


How much did you drink? If it was one or two drinks, you should be fine.