Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Neck artery?

I've noticed that on the right side of my neck, either my jugular vein or artery is bigger than my left side and it’s almost like a bump. Is this normal or anything concerning?

Female | 20 years old

6 Answers

Please consult either ENT or Vascular specialist who can examine you and if needed order for required tests
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There's no way I can answer that question. If you're concerned, have a doctor look at it and get an ultrasound of your neck. This would evaluate the blood vessels in any other anatomy in the neck.
You may have a node in the area. We can order an US if you come and see me.
Most likely the Carotid bulb. Differcation point of carotid artery in lateral neck.
It's not uncommon to have some vessel asymmetry in the neck. Just to be sure, have an ENT doctor check your neck to reassure you that that is all this is.