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Dr. Robert Block, DDS, MS


Dr. Robert Block is an endodonist practicing in Nashville, TN. Dr. Block is a specialist dentist, focusing on tooth pain, root canals and other issues related to the interior part of the tooth. Endodonists can diagnose problems and perform procedures to fix them. Treatment from an endodonist can often save a diseased tooth. Root canal treatment is one of the most common procedures performed by an endodonist.
Dr. Robert Block, DDS, MS
  • Nashville, TN
  • Accepting new patients

Should I get a crown after a root canal?

Absolutely. Tooth must be protected

Can I drink hot drinks after a root canal?

Yes, not chewing in it until it is restored with a crown.

Is a root canal treatment permanent?

Nothing is ever permanent. The prognosis for non sugical root canal treatment us upwards of 95%. If it doesnt heal retreatment be performed if inflammation reoccurs on the same READ MORE
Nothing is ever permanent. The prognosis for non sugical root canal treatment us upwards of 95%. If it doesnt heal retreatment be performed if inflammation reoccurs on the same tooth.

Can a root canal save a tooth?

If the endodontic disease is the sole cause of the abcess, the answer us yes.

Is tingling pain okay after a root canal?

You need to return to endodontist or dentist to reevaluate your roit fanal

Can a root canal be re-done if the pain persists?

Yes. Nonsurgical retreatment can be performed.

Can a tooth abscess be fixed with a root canal?

If the cause is from endodontic dusease causing the abcess. The answer us yes

What does endodontic retreatment involve?

Retreatment is a fairly common procedure for endodontists. Treatment can be non surgical( redoing the root canal) or surgical retreatment which involves reflecting a soft tissue READ MORE
Retreatment is a fairly common procedure for endodontists. Treatment can be non surgical( redoing the root canal) or surgical retreatment which involves reflecting a soft tissue flap around the tooth and removiing any diseased inflammation from the bone. Then a seal at the end of the root on the previoisly treated root canal is placed. Each tooth and patient is unique in which procedure is best

How often should I get my teeth cleaned from a dentist?

Every 6 months minimally. If you have periodontal( gum disease) problems
every 3 months ideally.

Can a root canal have prolonged recovery?

Yes Depending on the preexisting condition, amount of inflammation, bone loss.can actually take sometimes up to 2 to 3 years to repair depending on the amount of initial damage READ MORE
Depending on the preexisting condition, amount of inflammation, bone loss.can actually take sometimes up to 2 to 3 years to repair depending on the amount of initial damage

I have a cracked tooth. Does this expose me to an infection?

Yes, the dentin covering the tooth underneath the enamel is exposed to bacteria. You need to give it access immediately.