Mr. Stephen P. Stone, M.D.
Dr. Stephen Stone practices Dermatopathology in Springfield, IL. Dermatopathology is a medical specialty that focuses on dermatology and pathology, and involves the diagnosis of various diseases of the skin, hair, and nails by looking at cutaneous diseases at a microscopic and molecular level. By revealing the histology of diseases and results from a specific diagnostic interpretation, Dr. Stone is able to analyze the potential causes of skin diseases at a basic level.
50 years
Mr. Stephen P. Stone, M.D.
- Springfield, IL
- Mayo Graduate Schl of Medicine
- Accepting new patients
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Can toothpaste get rid of pimples?
No way!
Stephen P. Stone, MD FAAD
Stephen P. Stone, MD FAAD
What is the best cure for severe acne?
Yes, there are a number of prescription products. See a board certified dermatologist.
Steam burn on my palm, what should I do?
Check with a dermatologist. Recurrent blisters in the same area may be something else.
What products best treat whiteheads?
Best treatment is probably surgical, but you'll need to see a dermatologist.
Does Accutane remove acne scars?
It's the best treatment for acne, but doesn't remove scars - that requires a surgical approach.
How would I know if I have diabetic dermopathy?
It could be - are you taking minocycline or an antimalarial? Check with a dermatologist.
How can you tell basal cell from squamous cell carcinoma?
The biopsy (microscopic examination) will distinguish.
I have severe acne on my back and arms. How can I treat it?
You absolutely should see a dermatologist! There are no simple remedies for bad acne, and you need someone who is familiar with isotretinoin.
Stephen P. Stone, MD FAAD
Stephen P. Stone, MD FAAD
How do I know what is the right SPF for me?
Generally, there's no way to predict. It has more to do with how often you apply the sunscreen. 35 is the minimum, but I use 70 and up because I'm not reapplying it every 2-3 hours.
Generally, there's no way to predict. It has more to do with how often you apply the sunscreen. 35 is the minimum, but I use 70 and up because I'm not reapplying it every 2-3 hours.
Stephen P. Stone, MD FAAD
Stephen P. Stone, MD FAAD
Do acne face washes really help in preventing acne?
Only in mild cases. Best to get a referral to a dermatologist.
Second opinion on biopsy?
Happens all the time. We like to confirm a diagnosis when we can.
I am suffering for excessive acne, despite of taking care of my skin. What should I do?
Diet is not likely to play a part. Best to get a referral to a dermatologist.
Are parabens really harmful to the skin?
Simple answer: Nope. If you're not allergic (and most people aren't) parabens are a good preservative for those products.
Is tea tree oil safe to apply on pimples?
Safe, yes. Effective - not at all.
My mother has a carbuncle on her back. What is the course of treatment?
See your primary physician. It may require culture, antibiotic therapy, or just warm compresses.
Is sun exposure a normal way to bring relief from Eczema?
Some young patients do quite well with sunlight or ultraviolet treatment for eczema - some, however, do not. You have to be careful not to overheat, not to get excessive UV exposure.
Some young patients do quite well with sunlight or ultraviolet treatment for eczema - some, however, do not. You have to be careful not to overheat, not to get excessive UV exposure.
I have developed sudden rashes all over my hands and legs. What could it be?
That's impossible to tell without seeing the rash in person.
Are the spots on my towel because of any chemical in my face wash?
If you're using an acne wash, it may contain benzoyl peroxide, which does cause bleach spotting on washcloths.
Can acne scars be removed?
Yes, if there is a board certified dermatologist in your area who uses the fractional laser for skin smoothing, The training and experience count a lot here, so check him/her READ MORE
Yes, if there is a board certified dermatologist in your area who uses the fractional laser for skin smoothing, The training and experience count a lot here, so check him/her out carefully. Try the website for the Ameican Society for Dermatologic Surgery for information.
I am suddenly noticing red spots all over my thigh. What could these be?
Most likely, they are a condition called cherry angiomas, but best to see a board certified dermatologist in your area. Try the website for the American Academy of Dermatology READ MORE
Most likely, they are a condition called cherry angiomas, but best to see a board certified dermatologist in your area. Try the website for the American Academy of Dermatology for information.