“How can you tell basal cell from squamous cell carcinoma? ”
I got a spot removed on my arm by my dermatologist and its being sent for a biopsy. How will they know if its skin cancer and what type?
3 Answers
It is best to visit dermatologist. He spends years at university trying to learn to tell the difference. One can be deadly, the other one is just a nuisance. Terrible to make a mistake.
The dermatopathologist (a physician that looks at skin biopsies under the microscope) can tell benign (non cancerous) lesions from malignant (cancerous lesions) based on how it looks under the microscope slide. The two types of skin cancers are very easy to tell between them in most cases and are likely to be treated in a similar fashion by your dermatologist to ensure its complete removal. If deeper it is likely to be treated by excision with a blade. If it is just on the top layer of skin a burn and scrape procedure is an option. Ensure you use proper sun protection and teach your family and friends similar lessons.