Why It’s Crucial To Fix An Underbite At An Early Age

Dr. P J Theodorou Orthodontist Grapevine, TX

Dr. J is an orthodontist with a passion for creating smile transformations for all of his patients so they can experience the benefits of a happier and healthier smile. Our doctor had a vision that he wanted to create a practice that is a welcoming space for all potential patients and is staffed with a knowledgeable team... more

When the lower jawbone and teeth protrude forward, it results in an underbite. This condition is characterized by the appearance of a large and sticking-out lower jaw, while the upper teeth or jawbone are set back in comparison to the lower teeth and jawbone. It is also known as a Class 3 malocclusion, with Class 1 being the typical dental arrangement.

What are the symptoms of an underbite?

1. Eating

If you cannot chew properly your digestion will be affected. Chewing your food properly is the essential first step of digestion. It is necessary to break down larger pieces of food into smaller ones for better digestion starting in the stomach. If it’s harder to chew the natural reaction is to eat faster and swallow larger pieces of food. This can lead to gastritis, choking on food, obesity, insulin resistance, bloating, and constipation. A simple thing such as biting off a piece of a pizza slice will become a real challenge. 

2. Worn-down teeth 

If your teeth are not matching properly they will wear down unevenly. Your teeth come together a lot daily. On average you swallow throughout the day 800 times. To swallow your teeth must touch. Add to that the number of times that you chew bringing your teeth again together in all your meals. When you wear down your teeth you lose your enamel forever as enamel cannot be replaced. Also worn down teeth are weaker and more prone to chips and fractures/breaks. Thinner enamel offers less protection so the teeth are more prone to decay. 

3. Speech problems

Try moving your lower jaw forward and saying “Mississippi”. You can immediately see that it’s hard to pronounce. When the tongue is not allowed to meet with the teeth in the right place consonant sounds are impossible. Those are the Z, B, T, H, and G letters. Lisping is when you have trouble pronouncing the letters “Z” or “S”. Slurring is when you have trouble pronouncing certain words/vowels as your bite will not allow proper movement. A “whistling” sound is when air escapes as your bite does not allow a proper seal.

4. Low confidence 

When someone is aware that their bite is “off” and very different from other people that affects their confidence. They become very self-conscious. Low confidence is closely associated with less smiling, and less social interaction to avoid being teased or picked on. 

5. Jaw pain and TMJ

If the lower jaw is locked in position it is then not allowed to grow properly. As the upper teeth and jaw continue growing they push on the lower. This causes pressure and tension in the TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint) and the surrounding ligaments and muscles. It can also cause displacement of the TMJ disc. 

So what happens if an underbite is left untreated?

The chances of an underbite fixing itself are very slim. If it is left untreated the possibility of needing jaw surgery down the road is extremely high. And orthognathic or jaw surgery is a procedure that can be very complex. Generally, this surgery involves two possible procedures: cutting the bone to move the upper jawbone forward or cutting the bone to move the lower jawbone back. It can even require that both be done at the same time depending on the severity of the problem. 

Can the orthodontist correct an underbite at age 7?

Yes. This type of treatment has a few names but they all are focused on correcting the underbite before it gets worse. 

1. Early Treatment (since it starts at age 7)

2. Interceptive Treatment (as it “intercepts” problems before they become worse)

3. Phase I (as Phase II would be full braces around the age of 12) 

Here is a link to my website for further information: 
