Dr. Jessen James Mukalel, M.D.
Pain Management Specialist | Interventional Pain Medicine
Dr. Jessen Mukalel is an Interventional Pain Management doctor practicing in The Woodalnds, Tx. He enjoys helping patients who suffer in pain. He is an expert in the technique of diagnostic injections, utilizing both x-ray and ultrasound needle guidance. His philosphy is that once the chronic pain generator is correctly identified, then the treatment options such as Nerve Ablations, Dorsal Column Spinal Cord Stimulation, Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Spinal Cord Stimulation, intracept Procedure, Vertiflex Procedure, LinQ Sacral Fusion and Regenerative/Holistic therapies such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) Stem Cell therapies would truely be effective. He is proud to announce that he is one of the first doctors in the Houston suburbs utilizing the Intracept procedure for deep lower back and disc pain, as well as Sonnex's minimally invasive carpal tunnel release. For the most challenging patients, he even provides infusion therapies with Ketamine, lidocaine and other supplements. Dr. Mukalel is a top provider in The Woodlands, known for the excessive time he spends educating and empowering his patients to avoid or reduce opioids medications. #nopioids
19 years
Dr. Jessen J. Mukalel, M.D.
- The Woodlands, Tx
- Saint James School of Medicine
- Accepting new patients
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How long does anesthesia affect you after surgery?
It really depends on the type of anesthesia received. MAC/Sedation generally lasts for the duration of the surgical visit, however you can haveresidual effects throughout the READ MORE
It really depends on the type of anesthesia received. MAC/Sedation generally lasts for the duration of the surgical visit, however you can haveresidual effects throughout the day. General anesthesia with IV or Gas will last 24 hours or so. Regional anesthesia spinal and nerve blocks lasts however long the medication administered typically lasts. Having liver or kidney problems can prolong the effects of the anesthetics. Have a conversation with your anesthesiologist regarding the type of anesthesia, type of surgery and your medical condition to really get an accurate answer!
Do you need anesthesia for an appendectomy?
Absolutely! Anesthesia takes away pain and allows you to not know what it going on. Belly surgery typically requires protection of your airway with an endotracheal tube, however READ MORE
Absolutely! Anesthesia takes away pain and allows you to not know what it going on. Belly surgery typically requires protection of your airway with an endotracheal tube, however there are exceptions.
How long does it take to recover from a nerve block?
That depends on the type of medication used (medications have different length of effectiveness), how accurately it was placed (ultrasound guided blocks have the best accuracy READ MORE
That depends on the type of medication used (medications have different length of effectiveness), how accurately it was placed (ultrasound guided blocks have the best accuracy of targeting the nerves needing to be blocked) and if a catheter was placed to prolong the duration but delivering a predetermined amount off numbing medicine to your nerve.