Hidden Adhesive Scar Tissue Linked to Pain!
Dr. Derek Taylor, DC, has devoted the past 30 years of his life to helping patients get out of pain using THE TAYLOR METHOD™ combined with the most state-of-the-art cutting-edge technology in the world. Call the office for a complimentary consultation to see if we can help you. We look forward to meeting you!
It has been estimated that 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems. When patients come into the office complaining of pain, one of the first things we do is look at the stress point in their lives. The primary stressor that we focus on is in the realm of Physical Stress mainly in the form of Hidden Adhesive Scar Tissue in the soft tissues which contribute to misaligned joints & subluxations causing nerve interference, pain, and dysfunction. However, along with Physical Stress, we also look at the other three types of stress that can lead to pain including 2) Chemical Stress 3) Mental/Emotional Stress and 4) Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Stress. Diet is important to address as certain foods people are eating cause inflammation throughout the body that leads to pain. We perform food testing at our office for those we suspect that their pain is coming from a dietary source.
The main driver of pain that we see in the office is Hidden Adhesive Scar Tissue in the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, etc.) caused by an old injury or trauma that was never properly addressed. Adhesive Scar Tissue creates imbalances in the soft tissue, restricting the range of motion, causing subluxations/misalignments in the joints, contributing to nerve interference, impairing blood flow, and leading to compensation patterns in the body that are challenging to address. Other factors that contribute to pain are Degenerative Joints, Postural Distortions, Inflammatory Foods in the Diet, Ergonomic Set up in Home or Office, Compromised Arches in the Feet, Wearing the Wrong Shoes, Sleep Issues/Wrong Mattress, Weight Gain, Mental/Emotional Stress, Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s), and Performing Exercises that are not a fit for your Biomechanics. All of these can become contributing factors to your condition leading to chronic pain that can interrupt your family life, social life, and business life.