Positive Power: A Necessity for Navigating Life

Dr. Priscilla Marotta is a psychologist practicing telehealth. Dr. Marotta specializes in the treatment of mental health problems with cognitive-behavioral therapy and utilizes the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) intervention. The Florida Psychological Association recognized Dr. Marotta's expertise with... more
Power is a word that has many negative connotations. Unfortunately many of the meanings are shaded by images of control, domination, and hurtfulness. Power has been contaminated by negative images of bulldozing or controlling others. The positive use of power requires one to separate the concept of power from the contamination of societal meanings. You cannot integrate power into your life without first wiping your mind clear of any preconceived ideas about power.
Power is a necessary part of living and loving. One cannot navigate one's life without having Positive Power. Utilizing the term Positive Power helps keep the focus on power within NOT power over. Positive Power is acting with confidence, being decisive, and having control over your own life. Power is effectiveness, confidence, building your skills, and having the ability to achieve; it is not about control of others.
Control uses force, tries to control others, adds stress, causes worry, generates negativity, stifles creativity, creates fear, and limits personal growth. Positive Power, in contrast, creates a peaceful vision, enhances self-control, manages stress, minimizes worry, generates positivity, sparks creativity, limits fear, and fosters personal growth. A person develops Positive Power by learning a range of life strategies. Positive Power is not a genetic component, nor is it an elusive gem that you must be lucky to unearth. Positive Power is a skills to develop and expand throughout your life.
The key to developing Positive Power skills is to focus on the pronoun "I". Recognizing that "I" can only control oneself reveals that "I" is the power trigger to move forward. It is essential to recognize your strengths, celebrate those strengths, be committed to avoiding the emotional hooks of others, clarifying and maintaining momentum to your goals, and assuming a personal responsibility that is a catalyst to activating initiatives.
Think for a moment. If you are not with Positive Power, you are powerless. Like being in a boat without a rudder, powerlessness tosses you to and fro in the ocean of life. Unable to create a clear direction in your life, you ride the waves of daily living in an unfocused manner, ricocheting though life. Embrace the concept of Positive Power and navigate your life to an accomplished and nurturing life.