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Dr. Priscilla Marotta, PH.D.


Dr. Priscilla Marotta is a psychologist practicing telehealth. Dr. Marotta specializes in the treatment of mental health problems with cognitive-behavioral therapy and utilizes the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) intervention. The Florida Psychological Association recognized Dr. Marotta's expertise with the "What a Women" Award for her work with women empowerment and the 'Public Service" Award for her community involvement. Dr. Marotta authored two books. Her most recent book was co-authored with Veronica Rui-Ashwal and Elizabeth Hyatt. The title is "Power-Up". Her book is available on Amazon.,com.
Dr, Marotta works collaboratively with her clients and develops tailored treatment goals. She is an expert on positive power skills for living, and navigating life changes.
40 years Experience
Dr. Priscilla Marotta, PH.D.
  • Boynton Beach, FL
  • U of Southern Mississippi
  • Accepting new patients

Positive Power: A Necessity for Navigating Life

Power is a word that has many negative connotations.   Unfortunately many of the meanings are shaded by images of control, domination, and hurtfulness.   Power has been contaminated...