Dr. Robert Desposito, MD
Dr. Robert Desposito is a urologist practicing in Garden City, NY. Dr. Desposito specializes in diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. This includes areas of the bladder, urethra, kidneys, penis and prostate. Urology is a surgical specialty and requires knowledge in other areas of expertise such as gynecology and internal medicine due to the variety of clinical problems that are involved.
53 years
Dr. Robert Desposito, MD
- Garden City, New York
- Univ Di Padova- Fac Di Med E Chirurgia- Padova- Italy
- Accepting new patients
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Why does my penis burn when I urinate?
Could be an inter-uterine infection or for a time test.
Why does testicle pain come and go?
Go to a urologist
Do you need surgery for a bladder leakage?
Yes. And cystogram
How to detect a UTI in children?
Check urine. See a urologist about metal stenosis.