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Mr. Eric Miller, DC


Dr. Eric Miller is a top Chiropractor in Orland Park, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to his specialty, Dr. Eric Miller is an expert in changing the lives of his patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Eric Miller is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in the field of Chiropractic, Dr. Eric Miller is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. He and his staff embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Orland Park, Illinois, Dr. Eric Miller is a true asset to his field and is dedicated to the profession of medicine and chiropractic.
33 years Experience
Mr. Eric Miller, DC
  • Orland Park, Illinois
  • National University of Health Science
  • Accepting new patients

Do chiropractic adjustments help with chronic lower back pain?

The answer is simple. Chiropractic has been found to be very helpful in the relief of lower back pain. Nothing works better.

After running, my ankles get a shooting pain. Can a chiropractor help?

It could help. An examination of your feet and ankles may find a biomechanical reason for the pain. If so, biomechanical improvement through manipulation, mobilization, proper READ MORE
It could help. An examination of your feet and ankles may find a biomechanical reason for the pain. If so, biomechanical improvement through manipulation, mobilization, proper exercises and maybe supportive orthotics may be helpful.

Take care and be well.
Dr. Eric Miller

Can a chiropractor help to align my back?

You should have a complete examination including x-rays to determine the cause of the malalignment. It is possible to correct alignment issues depending on how severe it is. Seek READ MORE
You should have a complete examination including x-rays to determine the cause of the malalignment. It is possible to correct alignment issues depending on how severe it is. Seek the help of a Chiropractor, Orthopedic, physical therapist or a combination of these types of health providers

What is myofascial pain syndrome? How is it treated?

Myofascial pain syndrome is simply pain that originates from inflammation of the muscles, the fascia that covers the muscles and tendons. First, the doctor needs to determine the READ MORE
Myofascial pain syndrome is simply pain that originates from inflammation of the muscles, the fascia that covers the muscles and tendons. First, the doctor needs to determine the cause of the condition and then treat it appropriately. Conservative treatments such as Chiropractic therapy, massage therapy and/or physical therapy usually work really well. If the
condition is more inflammatory, then anti-inflammatories may be taken or injected as well. FIND THE CAUSE FIRST. I hope this info helps.

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric Miller

I have a dull pain in my lower back. How can I treat it?

Hello, If you are just starting an activity like Zumba, it will probably take a week or two to get used to the activity. Try icing and stretching the affected muscles. Do the READ MORE

If you are just starting an activity like Zumba, it will probably take a week or two to get used to the activity. Try icing and stretching the affected muscles. Do the Cat-Cow stretch, glutes, quads and hamstring stretches. If you are feeling pain more at the belt line, or at one of the two dimples, this would be inflammation of your sacroiliac joints. Try the stretches first and if the pain does not decrease, seek the help of a chiropractic physician to determine the cause of your pain and treat the cause.
I hope this helps.

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric Miller

I have neck pain that only occurs when I lie down. What could be the reason?

It sounds like you may have a mechanical issue such as a restriction in normal motion or alignment of the neck vertebrae. When you lie on your back, your neck may be extending READ MORE
It sounds like you may have a mechanical issue such as a restriction in normal motion or alignment of the neck vertebrae. When you lie on your back, your neck may be extending more than usual, causing some irritation to the joint and an increase in muscle tension. Consider having an examination of the neck to determine the actual cause of the pain. In the meantime, try stretching your neck before you lie down.

I have pain in my back everytime I put on weight. Why does this happen?

Putting on more weight can put more pressure on the discs as well as the facet joints. If there are any mechanical problems with the lower back to begin, putting on more weight READ MORE
Putting on more weight can put more pressure on the discs as well as the facet joints. If there are any mechanical problems with the lower back to begin, putting on more weight could aggravate the condition. Get an exam to find out if there are any spinal issues that would be aggravated by the additiinal stress.

Can being overweight lead to flat feet?

Excessive weight will place more stress on the feet and can contribute to pronation of the ankles and flattening of the feet. Considering orthotics to support the arches and weight READ MORE
Excessive weight will place more stress on the feet and can contribute to pronation of the ankles and flattening of the feet. Considering orthotics to support the arches and weight loss should be helpful.

What can I do for muscle soreness around my thighs?

There should be an examination to determine why the thighs are so tight and achy. There may be a connection between your lower back and your leg symptoms. If it is just tight muscles, READ MORE
There should be an examination to determine why the thighs are so tight and achy. There may be a connection between your lower back and your leg symptoms. If it is just tight muscles, continue stretching and make sure you drink plenty of water.

Can vitamin deficiency cause muscle stiffness?

There are many reasons for muscular tension increases. It could be dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, nutritional deficiencies or irritation to the nerve(s) innervating the muscle. READ MORE
There are many reasons for muscular tension increases. It could be dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, nutritional deficiencies or irritation to the nerve(s) innervating the muscle. An examination and some blood work should be able to accurately diagnose the problem.

I've been suffering from scoliosis since I was 19 years. I am now 32 years old. Will this problem be corrected with surgery?

Hello. I am sorry to hear of your suffering. Have you tried any conservative therapy such as Chiropractic manipulation, massage or physical therapy? Usually, conservative care READ MORE
Hello. I am sorry to hear of your suffering. Have you tried any conservative therapy such as Chiropractic manipulation, massage or physical therapy? Usually, conservative care can be very beneficial. However, if these treatments prove to be unsuccessful, surgery may be necessary. You should consult a good physician, get X-rays, and have the scoliosis measured and see if there is degeneration occurring as the result of the abnormal stresses from the curvature. Can these stresses be changed conservatively
or is surgery necessary? Always try conservative care first.
I hope this information is helpful.
Take care and be well.
Dr. Eric Miller

I was diagnosed with gout. Can a chiropractor help me manage the pain?

Sorry to hear about your Gout. As you may know, Gout is usually attributed to a buildup of uric acid or urate crystals within the joint. This buildup generally comes from the breakdown READ MORE
Sorry to hear about your Gout. As you may know, Gout is usually attributed to a buildup of uric acid or urate crystals within the joint. This buildup generally comes from the breakdown of Purines, which are high in red meats, shellfish, fried foods, and alcohol. There are many treatments for the symptoms. Medications such as Colchicine are the most common treatment and can be attained by seeing your medical physician and getting a prescription. Any type of physician can be helpful to treat your symptoms
if they are familiar with the condition. Most Chiropractic physicians would treat the symptoms with natural anti-inflammatories, diet modification, and supplementation to reduce uric acid levels. Manipulation of the joint will not be the answer to relieving your symptoms.
Take care and be well.
Dr. Eric Miller

I have undergone about 5 X-rays in the last 2 months for my spinal problem. Are there any risks?

Hello, No, you have nothing to worry about. A typical X-ray series can include 5-7 X-rays. The benefits of the visualization of the structures typically outweigh the risks of READ MORE

No, you have nothing to worry about. A typical X-ray series can include 5-7 X-rays. The benefits of the visualization of the structures typically outweigh the risks of exposure.

Have a great day and be well.

Dr. Eric Miller

Can an X-ray diagnose a spinal deformity?

If the condition is an osseous (or bone) deformity, an X-ray should be able to determine the pathology. There are many deformities that are benign and do not need treatment, but READ MORE
If the condition is an osseous (or bone) deformity, an X-ray should be able to determine the pathology. There are many deformities that are benign and do not need treatment, but it should be diagnosed. If further imaging is necessary, a CAT scan or an MRI should be ordered. Your physician should know if further imaging is medically necessary.

Take care and be well.
Dr. Eric Miller

Why do I have pins and needles in my legs?

If you are having the feeling of pins and needles in your legs, you could be having problems with either the nerves or the circulation supplying the legs. There are many tests READ MORE
If you are having the feeling of pins and needles in your legs, you could be having problems with either the nerves or the circulation supplying the legs. There are many tests your doctor can perform to determine the exact cause during a simple examination. Make an appointment for an exam as soon as possible. The longer there is pressure on a nerve or blood vessel, the
more damage may be caused.

Dr. Eric Miller

I am having pain in my buttocks when I sit. What could this be?

Many times, the buttocks pain is coming from a problem with the piriformis muscle (a hip rotator) which is located just about where your wallet would sit in your pocket. There READ MORE
Many times, the buttocks pain is coming from a problem with the piriformis muscle (a hip rotator) which is located just about where your wallet would sit in your pocket. There is often a problem with either the sacroiliac joint or the hip joint on the affected side. Stretching and massaging the muscle should be helpful, but many times manipulation of restricted joints will be necessary as well.

I hope this info is useful.

Dr. Eric Miller

What causes slipping rib?

A slipped rib may be caused by a simple instance such as rotating or bending the torso or a cough or a sneeze. Often the rib is not dislocated, it is just not moving properly upon READ MORE
A slipped rib may be caused by a simple instance such as rotating or bending the torso or a cough or a sneeze. Often the rib is not dislocated, it is just not moving properly upon inspiration and expiration. The costovertebral joint is fixed or slightly misaligned. Gentle manipulation and stretching may be very helpful.

Dr. Eric Miller

What is the lump that I can feel right behind my neck?

Any physician should be able to examine the lump and determine if it is osseous (bony) or soft tissue. It may be a lipoma, a cyst, or even a trigger point if it is soft tissue. READ MORE
Any physician should be able to examine the lump and determine if it is osseous (bony) or soft tissue. It may be a lipoma, a cyst, or even a trigger point if it is soft tissue. If it is determined to be bony, an X-ray should be provided to determine the cause. Make sure to get it checked out to make sure it's not something serious. Take care.
Dr. Miller

Why is there pain in my neck and head every morning?

It could be related to your pillow or it could be something wrong in your neck or it could be both. Change your pillow and see if that changes your symptoms. If you are still feeling READ MORE
It could be related to your pillow or it could be something wrong in your neck or it could be both. Change your pillow and see if that changes your symptoms. If you are still feeling sore in the mornings, have your neck examined by a physician such as a chiropractor to determine if you are having a musculoskeletal issue causing the neck pain.

My husband has a bone growth in his ankle. What should we do?

You should have it checked by a physician that specializes in skeletal or boney and joint issues such as a chiropractor, an orthopedic or a podiatrist. An x-ray should be performed READ MORE
You should have it checked by a physician that specializes in skeletal or boney and joint issues such as a chiropractor, an orthopedic or a podiatrist. An x-ray should be performed to determine what the growth actually is and does it need to be removed or just realigned.
Dr. Eric Miller