Chiropractor Questions Vitamins

Can vitamin deficiency cause muscle stiffness?

I am suffering from extreme muscular stiffness, especially at night just before going to sleep. Could this be an indication of some kind of vitamin deficiency in my body?

28 Answers

Yes. You should have that evaluated. It could be a vitamin or other nutrient deficiency (think minerals and phytonutrients). Your health care professional should take a detailed history and do a thorough examination, including blood labs and a urinalysis to determine the underlying cause of your complaints.
Yes, deficiency of vitamin D can cause bone pain and muscle weakness.
Yes doing a full panel micronutrient testing is also important.
It could be, but it also can be many other factors. The best thing to do is to visit a chiropractor and be checked.
There are many causes of extreme muscular stiffness, and it might be worth finding a chiropractic physician or functional medicine specialist to run some lab tests including your vitamin levels. We can help address contributors to your pain such as nutritional deficiencies, alignment of your spine and bones in your whole body, and muscle work to decrease pain and stiffness. Depending on your circumstances, this might also best be co-managed alongside other healthcare providers to give you the most well-rounded and complete care.
Absolutely. Magnesium is a big on that can cause muscle weakness. I would consult with a chiropractor or a functional medicine doctor to test your levels.
It’s possible that you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency causing the stiffness especially if you are taking any medicines that deplete the body’s calcium/magnesium levels.
Thank you for your question.
Muscle stiffness can be a result of many things including water intake, muscle recovery from overexertion, or vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
There are two groups of minerals that our bodies use to contact a muscle, sodium and potassium, and calcium and magnesium. When any one of these minerals is out of balance, a shortage or excess, the muscles can become stiff. One that I typically recommend to all of my patients that are experiencing muscle stiffness especially before bed is to take a magnesium and calcium supplement and drink plenty of water. These three things can have a large impact on decreasing muscle stiffness and helping you get back to normal. As always, consult your physician before making any changes to your regime.
Yes it can. You may look into getting some blood work done to show any vitamin deficiencies.
More than likely you are over-stressed or over-worked. Many times when we finally stop moving (at night) we will feel all the stress from the day at that time.

If your worried about electrolytes, be sure you are getting plenty of the big 5:
Yes they can.
The human body is very sensitive to blood chemistry. If you feel that you may have a deficiency in nutrition you should consult your doctor and inquire about having blood drawn to establish current blood chemistry levels and treatment options.
Yes, typically magnesium
The main mineral responsible for the health of muscles is magnesium, so a magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps. Dehydration is also a factor. See a chiropractor who is inclined in nutrition to help you.
Sometimes yes
Yes it can. Find a Chiropractor in your area who also uses functional medicine to help balance the body. They can order some blood work to confirm if you are deficient in Vitamins and minerals and help you regain your help with good quality vitamins. This means to avoid the Walmart's and Costco's because they are cheaper. They had studies that show they have a lot of fillers in the cheap vitamins and you will end up paying more in the long run
Yes. A deficiency in Vit D. Can cause joint pain and musckes to ache.

Best to get lab work done to determine the deficiency, then your doctor can tell you what is best to take and dosage.
It can be due to a deficiency. Look to do a comprehensive organic acid test.
There are many reasons for muscular tension increases. It could be dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, nutritional deficiencies or irritation to the nerve(s) innervating the muscle. An examination and some blood work should be able to accurately diagnose the problem.
Yes...especially vitamin D and C
This is a very simple question. Yes. You could have a deficiency in Magnesium. You should also be taking a fish oil supplement. Any questions feel free to contact my office at (631)462-0917
Yes, it may be a source of a vitamin deficiency. Muscles depend on potassium and magnesium in order to have proper contraction and relaxation. When these are not present then the muscle will not be able to have the proper contract/relax response. If the muscle is in severe spasm you may also be dehydrated as well. Proper blood work will show the very specific deficiency in order for you to be able to target the specific amounts of each vitamin that you may need.
Yes it’s very possible, but try to rule out other possible causes such as coffee on an empty stomach in the morning which is a very common cause nowadays. If you are to be or or close by or within the county riverside please give us a call 9518881538 for a consultation.
Absolutely, you may also not be eating enough protien, also lack of stretching on a daily basis, just simple ROM for neck and low back can help.
Yes vitamins are the main way that a muscle works and all of the cells in the human body. Sodium, calcium, and potassium pumps in the body are what help makes the body function.
Absolutely! An imbalance of certain vitamins and minerals can cause muscle stiffness, spasming, tightness, and aches. We offer an analysis of your blood results to see if there is an issue.
Depending on activity levels and diet, vitamin & mineral deficiencies can cause muscles spasms, pulling, and stiffness. Dehydration can also play a key factor in overall health and muscle function. Having a evaluation to look at the muscle and joint physiology itself, bloodwork, as well as, a dietary evaluation would be recommended.