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Dr. Janine James, M.D

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Maternal & Fetal Medicine

Dr. Janine James is an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in El Paso, TX. Dr. James specializes in women's health, particularly the female reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth. As an obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, Dr. James can treat a number of health issues related to the vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. Dr James also treats males and females for primary or general medical care who are adolescents to elderly.  Her areas of specialty are managing and controling hypertension and diabetes.
46 years Experience
Dr. Janine James, M.D
  • Milwaukee, WI
  • University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

How to get off birth control?

Thank you for this question. You complete a package of pills and you will get a period. Suggest that you attempt to conceive, get pregnant when you are no longer under the influence READ MORE
Thank you for this question. You complete a package of pills and you will get a period. Suggest that you attempt to conceive, get pregnant when you are no longer under the influence of pills. Your body may ovulate as soon as 14 days after the start of the period but in some people, it can take up to three months for ovulation to take place. Pregnancy takes place after you ovulate (release an egg from your ovary). It is not dangerous if you do become pregnant without waiting for a period but it may be more difficult to determine when you conceived and became pregnant. This information is helpful to determine how old the fetus is. However, ultrasound is very effective in determining the age of a pregnancy, especially in the first 3 to 4 months of the pregnancy.

Birth control?

Depo Provera is an injection of progesterone medication. It can stop ovulatio. But mostlly it causes a change in the inside of the uterus that makes it difficult for a pregnancy READ MORE
Depo Provera is an injection of progesterone medication. It can stop ovulatio. But mostlly it causes a change in the inside of the uterus that makes it difficult for a pregnancy to grow in the uterus. It is very effective. Many people who receive depoprovera stop having a period or the periods become very light. The medication is repeated every three months. It can also be used in people experiencing heavy of painful periods. When they stop getting the depoprovera they can become pregnant it no using another method of birth control. Women like this method of birth control because they do not have to remember to do anything like take a pill every day.

Possible pregnancy?

Possible pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test as soon as ten days after this sexual encunter to determine if pregnant.

I'm having unstoppable bleeding from depo provera?

This is not an uncommon occurrence for some women who use Depoprovera. The progesterone in the medication injected causes the inside of the uterus to become thin called endometrial READ MORE
This is not an uncommon occurrence for some women who use Depoprovera. The progesterone in the medication injected causes the inside of the uterus to become thin called endometrial atrophy. This can cause the bleeding. It can be corrected and the bleeding if you are prescribed a small amount of estrogen hormone for about thirty days. The lining inside of the uterus will begin to grow which stops the bleeding. This problem generally stops within 7 days after starting the estrogen.


The change in dilation at this stage of pregnancy is not serious. It can be seen if different proiders perforemed the examination or you may have had a contration when the cervix READ MORE
The change in dilation at this stage of pregnancy is not serious. It can be seen if different proiders perforemed the examination or you may have had a contration when the cervix was first examined putting pressure on the cervix an pushing it open. Now examined and there is no contraction putting pressure on the cervix the cervix is less open. Your body is preparing to go into labor.