OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

I'm having unstoppable bleeding from depo provera?

I'm a 23 year old female and it's my first time using depo provera. I'm having light bleeding that has not stopped since two months and a half ago. Is it normal? Should I stop using the shot?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months and a half
Medications: depo provera

3 Answers

On depo Provera contraceptive injection it is not uncommon to bleed the 1st month after receiving it. If you continue using it as your contraceptive method, there is a good chance you won’t get any periods at all, which is normal.
This is not an uncommon occurrence for some women who use Depoprovera. The progesterone in the medication injected causes the inside of the uterus to become thin called endometrial atrophy. This can cause the bleeding. It can be corrected and the bleeding if you are prescribed a small amount of estrogen hormone for about thirty days. The lining inside of the uterus will begin to grow which stops the bleeding. This problem generally stops within 7 days after starting the estrogen.
Common for this method. Go see your GYN