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Alexis Rotella, L.AC.


Alexis Rotella is an acupuncturist practicing in the Lake Jeanette area of Greensboro, North Carolina.  She is trained in functional medicine and offers a variety of techniques including needle-free electrical stimulation of acupuncture points  as well as colorpuncture and Cymatics sound therapy. She is not only certified in North Carolina but passed the exam given by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She was trained by the late Professor J.R. Worsley at the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture in Hallandale, Florida.
24 years Experience
Alexis Rotella, L.AC.
  • Greensboro, NC
  • Five Element Acupunc. Academy
  • Accepting new patients

What can be done for chronic tiredness?

There are acupuncture points that can boost energy as well as remedies that you take orally.

Can acupuncture be done on the back?

Yes, acupuncture is often done on the back. There are important points on either side of the spine that relate to all the organs.

Can ear ringing be fixed?

Yes it can, but first make sure there is no wax buildup.

Does acupuncture help with sinus allergies?

yes acupuncture helps especially when combined with homeopathic remedies.

How often should you do acupuncture for anxiety?

It depends on the person. Herbal remedies can assist.