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Aftab Qadir, M.D.


Dr. Aftab Qadir is a psychiatrist practicing in Orlando, FL treating patients of all ages. Dr. Qadir is a medical doctor that is board certified as a child, adolescent, and general psychiatrist that specializes in mental health care. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Qadir diagnoses and treats mental illness in many ways, including medications, psychotherapy or talk therapy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Spravato (Esketamine nasal spray treatment), and many more. Depending on the needs of the patient Dr. Qadir is able to treat individuals to create the most effective treatment possible. Some of the main medications that Dr. Qadir may be prescribed to assist with treatment are antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, mood stabilizers, stimulants, sedatives, and hypnotics. Dr. Qadir has experience treating a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, insomnia, ADD and more. 
42 years Experience
Aftab Qadir, M.D.
  • Orlando, FL
  • King Edward Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

Spotlight Video | How Counseling Can Help Adolescents | Aftab Qadir, MD

Dr. Aftab Qadir is a compassionate and highly experienced psychiatrist practicing in Orlando, Florida. With over two decades of expertise, he is board-certified in general, child,...