Spotlight Video | How Counseling Can Help Adolescents | Aftab Qadir, MD

Aftab Qadir Psychiatrist Orlando, FL

Dr. Aftab Qadir is a psychiatrist practicing in Orlando, FL treating patients of all ages. Dr. Qadir is a medical doctor that is board certified as a child, adolescent, and general psychiatrist that specializes in mental health care. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Qadir diagnoses and treats mental illness in many ways, including... more

Dr. Aftab Qadir is a compassionate and highly experienced psychiatrist practicing in Orlando, Florida. With over two decades of expertise, he is board-certified in general, child, and adolescent psychiatry, offering comprehensive mental health care to patients of all ages. Dr. Qadir serves as the Medical Director at Central Florida Behavioral Hospital, where he is known for his patient-centered approach and commitment to improving lives.

Specializing in a wide range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and insomnia, Dr. Qadir employs diverse treatment modalities tailored to each individual. His expertise includes psychotherapy, medication management, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and Spravato (Esketamine nasal spray therapy).

A Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and an active member of several professional organizations, Dr. Qadir remains at the forefront of psychiatric advancements. Dedicated to fostering mental wellness, he combines innovative techniques with compassionate care to guide patients on their journey toward recovery.