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Dr. Dean Joseph Conterato, MD

Radiation Oncologist

Dr. Dean Conterato practices Radiation Oncology in Elmhurst, IL. Radiation oncology is a medical specialty that involves treating cancer with radiation. Dr. Conterato specializes in treating cancer with radiation, using radiation therapy to treat a wide variety of cancers. Radiation therapy uses carefully targeted and regulated doses of high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells.
40 years Experience
Dr. Dean Joseph Conterato, MD
  • Elmhurst, IL
  • Rush Med Coll of Rush Univ, Chicago Il
  • Accepting new patients

Should I consider natural medicine for cancer?

In my opinion it might be used along with chemotherapy and/or radiation but studies suggest worse survival in patients who use natural medicines instead of well studied treatments READ MORE
In my opinion it might be used along with chemotherapy and/or radiation but studies suggest worse survival in patients who use natural medicines instead of well studied treatments such as chemotherapy or radiaiton

Should I have radiation now?

Survival is improved with the addition of radiation during the first or second cycle of chemotherapy (randomized studies have proven this with high certainty). You should get radiation. READ MORE
Survival is improved with the addition of radiation during the first or second cycle of chemotherapy (randomized studies have proven this with high certainty). You should get radiation.

Is a whole body PET scan essential for diagnosing the spread of tongue cancer?

PET scans are recommended as a follow-up exam to verify response to intitial treatment and are usually done at least 12 weeks after radiatioin has been completed. If you have READ MORE
PET scans are recommended as a follow-up exam to verify response to intitial treatment and are usually done at least 12 weeks after radiatioin has been completed. If you have had one done after the treatment was complete and it was negative then I would only recommend a PET scan if I was concerned about some symptoms that you are having

The color and shape of a mole on my leg have changed. Should I be concerned?

Have you ever seen a dermatologist? If not, it would be reasonable for you to have this evaluated by a dermatologist. Because the lesion changes in size and shape does not necessarily READ MORE
Have you ever seen a dermatologist? If not, it would be reasonable for you to have this evaluated by a dermatologist. Because the lesion changes in size and shape does not necessarily mean its malignancy but it does suggest he should have it checked

What is the chance of survival in stage 4 lung cancer?

Stage IV lung cancer is not curable, however there has been rapid Development of new drugs such as immunotherapy agents or other biologic drugs which have dramatically improve READ MORE
Stage IV lung cancer is not curable, however there has been rapid Development of new drugs such as immunotherapy agents or other biologic drugs which have dramatically improve the survival duration and quality of life the patient was stage IV lung cancer in many but not all cases.

Additionally, if stage IV disease involves the brain, stereotactic brain radiation can eradicate disease in the brain if it is of limited extent.

Can a pneumonia cause lung cancer?

No, generally, people do develop pneumonia when part of The lung gets blocked off by a tumor. I do not think there is any evidence that pneumonia can cause lung cancer.

Why does my dentist need to know if I've had radiation therapy?

Radiation treatments to your mouth and especially the jaw would make healing much more difficult and risk having some of the bone die. Usually, I would request that the dentist READ MORE
Radiation treatments to your mouth and especially the jaw would make healing much more difficult and risk having some of the bone die. Usually, I would request that the dentist call me and discuss what work is to be done.