What can I expect after my Buttock Enhancement Procedure?

Dr. Siamak Agha mohammadi Plastic Surgeon | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Newport Beach, CA

Dr. Siamak Agha mohammadi is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in Newport Beach, CA. Dr. Agha mohammadi specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning... more

After having buttock enhancement procedures, many patients experience a more balanced and full looking buttocks. This provides an immediate improvement in self-esteem and a greater self-confidence. Also, many patients are able to try new and different clothing styles to compliment their individual style. They also feel less self-conscious at the gym, around the pool, or at the beach.

However, the final results will be seen after the swelling from surgery. When the swelling subsides, the long-term results will be more evident. You will notice an improvement in your buttock shape and contour. Your buttock enhancement procedure will result in a tighter and firmer buttock contour that is more proportionate to your body type and weight.

A buttock enhancement procedure should not be viewed as a magical cure, however. While the procedure does improve your shape and contour, you will have to make lifestyle changes in order to maintain the appearance of your new shape. A good, healthy diet and exercise regimen can be incorporated into one’s daily routine to maintain your look. Click here to view our Before and After Buttock Enhancement Gallery.

Dr. Siamak Agha, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, MD, PhD, completed his 7 years of medical education at the prestigious University of Cambridge, England.

His residency in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery was completed at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, one of the most respected and comprehensive Plastic Surgery training programs in the United States. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and on staff at Hoag Medical Center.

Dr. Agha is best known for post-bariatric procedures specializing in Total Body Lift Surgery. He is considered an expert at Body Contouring and has developed cutting-edge techniques such as Abdominoplasty, Spiral Thighplasty, and Buttock Reshaping.

Dr. Agha believes that an understanding of the human anatomy and the changes that occur through aging, pregnancy, weight loss, and lifestyle are fundamental for achieving the best surgical results. His approach is to complete surgical procedures through well-hidden incisions for the best possible outcome. Dr. Agha is committed to patient safety and continued medical education.

Favorite Quote: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m Possible”
