Breast Implants
Dr. Alberico Sessa is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in Sarasota, FL. Dr. Sessa specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning properly; therefore,... more
Breast implants typically come in many different sizes and shapes. They can even come in different textures. The two biggest manufacturers are Mentor and Allergan.
My favorite implant to use is the Mentor "Gummy Bear". This comes in two different shapes; an HPX (high extra) or SMHX. Both of these are fantastic implants. These are both silicone implants and are of the newest generation of the highest cohesive strength medical grade silicone. That means these implants are more likely to fracture than leak. I know this is a major question I receive in consultation.
Typically a consultation is a try-on session. I believe the patient should choose their own implant. The surgeon should not be choosing an implant for a person. The try-on session usually lasts 10-15 minutes and the person gets a 3D look at what the new look will be. Typically this is 10% larger than the real result but still very helpful for people to see.
Most people choose too small. You should always choose a size that makes you slightly uncomfortable.
Another good pearl: You need 75-100cc's to see a visible difference. Some people say "I wish "I had gone just a little bit bigger. But in truth, A little bit is 75-100 cc bigger. So, the implants you choose are typically the right size.
Always go with your gut and first instinct. It's usually right.
Alberico Sessa, MD
Sarasota Surgical Arts - President
Fellowship Director
American Board of Cosmetic Surgery - Board Examiner
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