Dr. Haider Ali Khadim, M.D
Dr. Haider Ali Khadim is a hematologist oncologist practicing in Syracuse, NY. Dr. Khadim specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of blood diseases such as anemia, hemophilia, sickle-cell disease, leukemia and lymphoma. Hematologist Oncologists are also trained in the study of cancer and its attack on other organs.
Dr. Haider Ali Khadim, M.D
- Syracuse, NY
- Accepting new patients
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Breast cancer?
You need your physician to examine you as soon as possible. Then according to the findings you’ll have to get imaging like ultrasound or MRI done as at your age mammogram doesn’t READ MORE
You need your physician to examine you as soon as possible. Then according to the findings you’ll have to get imaging like ultrasound or MRI done as at your age mammogram doesn’t help.