Dr. Kamil Jaghab, M.D.
Pain Management Specialist
Dr. Kamil Jaghab practices Pain Medicine in East Meadow, NY. Pain medicine is concerned with the prevention of pain, and the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients experiencing pain. Pain medicine physicians use a broad-based approach to treat all pain disorders, ranging from pain as a symptom of disease to pain as the primary disease. Dr. Jaghab serves as a consultant to other physicians but is often the principal treating physician, providing care at various levels; such as treating the patient directly, prescribing medication, prescribing rehabilitative services, performing pain relieving procedures, counseling patients and families, directing a multidisciplinary team, coordinating care with other healthcare providers, and providing consultative services.
43 years
Dr. Kamil Jaghab, M.D.
- East Meadow, NY
- Univ Of Jordan, Fac Of Med, Amman, Jordan
- Accepting new patients
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Can a psychiatrist treat chronic pain?
There is a subspecialty in psychiatry named pain management. This is a fellowship training for the psychiatrist to understand both psychological and organic pain and to help in READ MORE
There is a subspecialty in psychiatry named pain management. This is a fellowship training for the psychiatrist to understand both psychological and organic pain and to help in their management.
I have shoulder/forearm pain?
You need a thorough exam and MRI to find the cause of the pain. It could be an intervertebral disc prolapse.
My foot stitches hurt when I wear my socks. What should I do?
It may take longer time for the pain to go away. At this time you should wear comfortable shoes like sneakers
I have had wrist pain for quite some time already?
Get an Xray as an initial step
Can anti-depressants cause body pain?
This is very unlikely for antidepressants to cause pain, as most of them are used to treat chronic pain. Depression itself can exaggerate pain symptoms. If you continue to experience READ MORE
This is very unlikely for antidepressants to cause pain, as most of them are used to treat chronic pain. Depression itself can exaggerate pain symptoms. If you continue to experience pain, you need to see your primary care physician cause of pain.