Dr. Smith

Dr. Timothy Smith Emergency Physician Napa, CA

Dr. Timothy Smith practices Emergency Medicine in Napa, CA. Dr. Smith assesses patients who seek immediate medical attention at any time of day or night. Emergency Medicine Physicians are trained to efficiently work with each patient and situation no matter how acute or life-threatening. Dr. Smith examines patients, determines... more

Dr. Timothy Smith 

Practitioners in the medical field carry a dedication to push the boundaries of human function and health for others. Dr. Timothy Smith drives himself beyond the edges of comfort in the emergency room and outside the ring. As an Emergency Medical Physician at the Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa, California, there is no knowing what may come his way. 

Smith, 55, operates on a different frequency, and he doesn't live on the schedule the rest of the world does. Despite treating injuries at all hours, his dedication to his patients outweighs any circumstance. 

When he's not in the emergency room helping those in need, Smith works as a combat sports ringside physician. "I'm not superhuman, and I'm not special," he said. "I have just learned to live where life is not always easy." 

The Japanese concept of Ikigai is applicable to Smith; four connecting circles - what you are good at, what you enjoy doing, what you get paid to do, and what the world needs. His chosen vocation resides in all of them. 

A brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu, Smith continues to train whenever he is able. "He was always tenacious on the mat," said former MMA instructor Kurt Morella. "Facing challenges head-on, he persisted until he found the way to make the training work for his unique capabilities." 

Smith discovered the possibility of working ringside after stitching up a fighter's eye who had participated in a California amateur mixed martial arts event; the opportunity was a no-brainer for him, helping athletes and living in the front of the action. 

Smith’s passion for combat sports and emergency medicine connected. He has since worked ringside at roughly 45 events, including Dragon House MMA, A1 Combat, and Bellator. 

Smith examines the fighter's joints, blood pressure, eyes, pulse, balance, and skin, vetting the athlete to ensure they have all the faculties needed to be competitive before stepping into the ring. 

The cracking sound of a combatant's tibia snapping in half from shin-to-shin contact was a memorable ringside moment for Smith, immersed in the sport's brutality. There will be injuries, but Smith is there to protect the fighters and set the path to recovery. 

Living life by seeking new challenges is what drives Smith. As a jiu-jitsu practitioner, he understands what it means to exercise discipline regardless of sleep, injuries, or mental hesitations, and his passion for the art translates into his work as a ringside physician. 

Dr. Smith keeps fighters safe and is doing what he loves. Always prepared, and always aspiring to be a better version of himself. 

Dr. Timothy Smith working ringside at mixed martial arts event.