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Dr. Jon Norberg, M.D.

Hand Surgeon | Hand Surgery

Dr. Jon Norberg is a hand surgeon practicing in Maple Grove, MN. Dr. Norberg specializes in caring for hand, wrist and forearm problems without the option of surgery unless necessary. Many hand surgeons are also experts in diagnosing and caring for shoulder and elbow problems and tend to suggest non-surgical treatments such as hand therapy or physical therapy.
29 years Experience
Dr. Jon Norberg, M.D.
  • Maple Grove, MN, MN
  • Univ Of Nd Sch Of Med- Grand Forks Nd
  • Accepting new patients

Do you have to be put to sleep for hand surgery?

Short answer - no. Most of the time we can numb the area we are working on or the entire arm so that a patient does not need to be "put under" - you still need a driver home. (unless READ MORE
Short answer - no. Most of the time we can numb the area we are working on or the entire arm so that a patient does not need to be "put under" - you still need a driver home. (unless it is done under straight local without sedation - often called WALANT).

Can scars on hand be completely removed?

Ugly scars on the dorsum of the hand can often be removed and traded for smaller less obvious scars. It really depends on the condition of the tissue surrounding the scars and READ MORE
Ugly scars on the dorsum of the hand can often be removed and traded for smaller less obvious scars.

It really depends on the condition of the tissue surrounding the scars and if there is enough "good" tissue to cover the area after the scar is removed.

Less frequently skin grafts from another area can be used but it is hard to get that tissue to match the skin of the hand.

Can you get plastic surgery for hand burns?

It depends on the size and location of the burns. Burns on the backs of the hands are more likely to be able to be removed. Again it depends on the size and location of the burns READ MORE
It depends on the size and location of the burns. Burns on the backs of the hands are more likely to be able to be removed. Again it depends on the size and location of the burns as well as the condition of the surrounding tissue.

When is surgery for rheumatoid arthritis recommended?

For people with rheumatoid arthritis, it is imperative that they work closely with their rheumatologist to maximize the medical management of their disease and opt for surgery READ MORE
For people with rheumatoid arthritis, it is imperative that they work closely with their rheumatologist to maximize the medical management of their disease and opt for surgery only if those treatments fail.

Wrist laceration?

It is not uncommon with the location of your injury for things to get "stuck down" during the healing phase. Now that things are healed it may be worth while to go back in and READ MORE
It is not uncommon with the location of your injury for things to get "stuck down" during the healing phase. Now that things are healed it may be worth while to go back in and free things up (tenolysis and neurolysis).

Frequently after doing those procedures people see a dramatic improvement in their function and decrease in pain. If you still have numbness and weakness, unfortunately that is not likely to improve.

My hand twitches randomly sometimes?

Not likely a surgical problem. See your primary care provider and have them check your Calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Occupational therapy for carpal tunnel?

YES - a few sessions to show you what to do then you need to be good about doing the therapy on your own at home from then on.

Wrist pain when trying to move hand. What should I do?

Yes you should have it looked at by a hand specialist, especially if you have a history of a bad wrist sprain at any time in your past. They can examine you and check x-rays and READ MORE
Yes you should have it looked at by a hand specialist, especially if you have a history of a bad wrist sprain at any time in your past.

They can examine you and check x-rays and sometimes an MRI to look for ligament problems, problems with the wrist bones or a ganglion.

Can surgery be done for carpal tunnel?

Results of carpal tunnel surgery are excellent if done for the right reasons. See a hand specialist to be sure you have the right diagnosis first. While carpal tunnel is a relatively READ MORE
Results of carpal tunnel surgery are excellent if done for the right reasons.

See a hand specialist to be sure you have the right diagnosis first. While carpal tunnel is a relatively easy surgery, it won't help if they don't have the right diagnosis, what you describe may be a different condition.

Can occupational therapy help my mother regain strength in her hand faster?

Most patients benefit from hand therapy. Sometimes patients need to come in frequently to be seen by therapy, but often therapists can teach patients what to do at home and see READ MORE
Most patients benefit from hand therapy.

Sometimes patients need to come in frequently to be seen by therapy, but often therapists can teach patients what to do at home and see them periodically to provide services that patients can't or won't do on their own.

I have crooked fingers. Can this be corrected?

Yes, hand surgeons are often able to help correct crooked fingers. Most of the time the reason to fix them is because they are so crooked that they don't work or they are painful. READ MORE
Yes, hand surgeons are often able to help correct crooked fingers. Most of the time the reason to fix them is because they are so crooked that they don't work or they are painful. I would suggest leaving a finger alone if it is not painful and works well.

There is a bone growth on my index finger. Can it be operated and removed? What are the chances that it will regrow?

You should have it looked at and x-rayed by a hand specialist to see exactly what you have going on. Benign growths can often be removed with a low risk of coming back. Bone READ MORE
You should have it looked at and x-rayed by a hand specialist to see exactly what you have going on.

Benign growths can often be removed with a low risk of coming back. Bone spurs from arthritis are a little harder to address. An x-ray and exam is the best place to start.

I am having pain in my hand. Will I need surgery?

See a hand specialist to have them diagnose the problem and make suggestions. Surgery is not always necessary.

Is carpal tunnel surgery safe for a diabetic person?

Yes it is still quite safe as long as his sugars are well controlled. Often surgeons will not operate if a patients hemoglobin A1c is elevated. Different surgeons have different READ MORE
Yes it is still quite safe as long as his sugars are well controlled. Often surgeons will not operate if a patients hemoglobin A1c is elevated. Different surgeons have different thresholds so ask your surgeon.

I have been diagnosed with trigger finger syndrome. What is the course of treatment for this?

People that have a trigger finger for less than a year will often respond well to an injection and not need surgery. If the symptoms fail to get better with a steroid injection READ MORE
People that have a trigger finger for less than a year will often respond well to an injection and not need surgery. If the symptoms fail to get better with a steroid injection or if it has been going on for more than a year, surgery can be performed.

Don't worry, it can be done through a small incision, with 2 stitches, with minimal down time. Often this can be done under local anesthetic in a procedure room without sedation so you can drive yourself home.

Can a scar be removed by plastic surgery?

Often, unsightly scars on the back of the hand can be removed with surgery. A scar from the surgery will still be there, but is usually less noticeable than a scar from trauma READ MORE
Often, unsightly scars on the back of the hand can be removed with surgery. A scar from the surgery will still be there, but is usually less noticeable than a scar from trauma or a burn. Scars on the palm side are much more difficult to improve. You are correct that plastic surgery hand surgeons are more adept at addressing this concern than most orthopedic hand surgeons.

Will I be sedated during my hand surgery?

Many hand surgery procedures can be performed under local anesthetic. The use of sedation is often up to the preference of the patient. As long as a patient is comfortable sedation READ MORE
Many hand surgery procedures can be performed under local anesthetic. The use of sedation is often up to the preference of the patient. As long as a patient is comfortable sedation is frequently not required. If a patient is anxious, sedation may be appreciated by both the patient and the staff.

How is a nerve block done for hand surgery?

If you are getting a nerve block for hand surgery, the block is typically performed by administering an injection into the armpit near the nerves to the arm (an auxilliary block) READ MORE
If you are getting a nerve block for hand surgery, the block is typically performed by administering an injection into the armpit near the nerves to the arm (an auxilliary block) or above the collar bone (a supraclavicular block). Both blocks allow for several hours of numbness for the procedure and afterwards.

How do I recover from finger surgery?

The recovery after finger surgery depends on several factors. The nature of the injury or problem is the most significant determinant of the outcome followed by the compliance READ MORE
The recovery after finger surgery depends on several factors. The nature of the injury or problem is the most significant determinant of the outcome followed by the compliance with therapy (diligent therapy but not overdoing it) and lastly the quality of the procedure performed. I typically tell people it's 40% what I do at surgery and 60% what they do in therapy that gets them the best possible result.

Be sure you have a qualified hand therapist - typically they will have a Certificate in Hand Therapy in addition to being an Occupational Therapist.

Will hand surgery help arthritis?

Hand surgery for arthritis is often very helpful at reducing pain thus improving function. It depends on which joints are involved and how bad the arthritis, but in general it READ MORE
Hand surgery for arthritis is often very helpful at reducing pain thus improving function. It depends on which joints are involved and how bad the arthritis, but in general it is predictably helpful.

There are some non-surgical options as well, depending on the arthritis. Frequently steroid or Platelet Rich Plasma injections can be helpful.