Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment Protocol
Dr. Natasha Kelly is a general surgeon/general practitioner practicing in Ansonia, CT. Dr. Kelly specializes in providing general practice medical care focusing on urgent care, MAT/Opioid/alcohol use disorder management, pain management, migraine management, orthotic devices/occupational health/rehab medicine, cancer screening,... more
- Calm or Happify behavioral health app 4-5 times per day
- Drink 2,000 ml distilled water/Pedialyte daily
- Start psychotherapy/telecounseling with a licensed social worker for cognitive behavioral therapy/dialectic behavioral therapy/thought field therapy weekly for anxiety-stress-depression management.
- May start Hypnotherapy
- Start green tea with lemon/ginger/pomegranate daily
- DASH diet with Mediterranean diet ingredients: high protein low carbohydrate diet, 3 serving fruits/vegetables, should be organic produce
- 500 ml distilled or bottled water before meals, total 1500-2000 ml per day
- Juicing: carrot, beet, and ginger 8 ounces daily, cannot store in the refrigerator, organic produce
- Gluten-free diet
- No sugar, gluten-free honey
- Reduce carbohydrate content of diet
- Organic meat, no hormones or antibiotics, vegetarian fed
- Fresh /wild fish, no farm-raised fish
- Cage-free brown eggs
- Organic aloe vera juice 150 ml daily, Saluttie/Aloevine aloe vera juice 1,000 ml daily
- Kefir 250 ml twice a day, minimum, coconut, or cashew-based if lactose intolerant and Mood Probiotic. Lifeway brand and Stonehenge brand
- Walking by water 3 times a week for 60-90 minutes for weight loss and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), run-walk-run method
- Vitafusion Prenatal MVI 4 gummies twice daily or Alive MVI for women 3 gummies BID
- Methylcobalamin 10,000 mcg (10 mg) sublingual daily, brand source naturals or NOW
- Methylfolate 2 mg daily, NOW brand
- Pyridoxine-6-phosphate 100 mg daily, source naturals brand
- Vitamin D3 softgel 60,000 IU weekly total brand NOW (5,000-10,000 IU softgels each)
- Vitamin C 2,000 mg daily, extended-release/ Emergen C(immunity boosting) in AM
- Zinc gluconate 150 mg daily, NOW brand
- Magnesium Citrate 400-800 mg softgel daily brand Carlson
- Meditation, sound therapy (Taos Winds Spirit Music on YouTube) several times a day, Weight Loss Hypnosis video on YouTube daily by David McGraw
- Supplement purchasing from iHerb or Vitacost