Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal, MD MBA MPH
Preventative Medicine Specialist
Amit Reenu Paliwal is a preventative medicine specialist practicing in Claremont, CA. Paliwal specializes in the health of individuals, communities, and particular populations, focusing on how to protect and maintain health as well as prevent disease and dangers. As a preventative health specialist, Paliwal participates in the planning and evaluation of health services, researches diseases in specific populations and helps manage health care organizations. Preventative medicine specialists can specialize further in aerospace medicine, occupational medicine, or public health and general preventive medicine.
24 years
Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal, MD MBA MPH
- Claremont, CA
- University of La Verne
- Accepting new patients
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What are the best medicines to avoid motion sickness?
How can I prevent my hair from graying?
Avoid hair dyes. Avoid extreme heat (e.g, curlers, hair irons, etc.).
I have been a chain smoker for 20 years and I have recently quit. How can I prevent lung diseases?
The longer you avoid smoking the better chances for your lungs to improve
Is there a way I can prevent my child from catching the common cold and flu?
Use good hygiene habits
Every winter my son ends up with a nasty cold. Are there any preventive measures he can do?
Use proper hygiene
My son had a severe pneumonia when he was 2 years old. How often should I get his lungs screened?
There is no need for screening