Do you suffer from heel pain?

Dr. Nolaska Souliotis Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Austin, TX

Dr. Nolaska Souliotis is a podiatrist practicing in Austin, TX. Dr. Souliotis is a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of the foot , ankle and related parts of the leg. As a podiatrist, Dr. Souliotis diagnoses and treats conditions of the feet. The feet are key body parts that give a person stability, absorb shock,... more

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It is the inflammation of the band that is located at the bottom of the heel and extends to the ball of your foot. Plantar fasciitis is usually caused by faulty biomechanics meaning low or high arches. It also can be due to tight posterior muscle groups. Another common cause is ill- fitting shoes without much support. 

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis include pain at the bottom of the heel, pain is also very noticeable in the morning with the first couple of steps. Also, there’s something known as post static dyskinesia, which is pain upon weighbearing after a long period of sitting. Often when pain becomes very chronic pain becomes constant while weight-bearing throughout the entire day.

The great news is that planter fasciitis can be resolved  with conservative treatment. -Stretching: plays an important roll for improvement of symptoms. Stretching your posterior muscle group is very important.

-Arch support: having good supportive shoes, and even sometimes the need for inserts

-Anti-inflammatories: this could be over-the-counter or prescription

-Steriod therapy: this could be the form of oral medication or an injection to the heel

-Physical therapy

-ESWT: shockwave treatment which is non-invasive treatment through acoustic waves 

-MLS Laser system (multi wavelength locking system) it’s the newest technology to treat planet fasciitis. It’s a non-invasive, non-painful laser therapy that helps with inflammation

Fortunately, most patients respond to conservative treatment, but those that do not surgical intervention is also an option.