Would You Benefit From Acupuncture?
Dr. Leila Fazlicic D. Ac is an award-winning Doctor of Acupuncture. Lejla (Layla) is a Doctor of Acupuncture, Certified Medical Cannabis Consultant and Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist providing acupuncture treatment locally and online health/wellness coaching, who enjoys helping others live the happiest and healthiest... more
Many people have heard about acupuncture and the first comment is usually "Stick needles in me? No way!" In general, we fear that which do not know or the unfamiliar, especially if we think pain is involved. Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine; it has been in practice for more than 3500 years! Acupuncture has provided billions of successful treatments with minimal side effects for centuries. In 1978, WHO (World Health Organization) recognized acupuncture as a valid medical modality for the treatment of various diseases and conditions.
Despite the success and history of acupuncture, for many, the fear of needles is greater than the potential health benefits. If you are among those who have a fear of needles, you are not alone. Unlike getting a shot, acupuncture does not hurt. The sensation of tingling or mild electric sensation is possible. The acupuncture needle is so thin, thinner than a strand of your hair. In fact, approximately 14 acupuncture needles can fit in the hollow needle used for a standard blood draw. Think about that the next time your doctor orders a blood test!
A licensed acupuncturist will use a single-use sterile acupuncture needle recognized by FDA as a medical instrument. Acupuncture is a healing art; causing pain diminishes the body's ability to heal, which is contraindicative of the goal of providing healing. The trained acupuncturist is skilled in placing the needles to maximize healing without discomfort or pain.
Take a moment and think of the benefits, put the needle fear behind you, and try acupuncture. After a treatment or two, you may begin to notice the benefits of acupuncture. In fact, you will most likely fall in love with this ancient, healing technique. Especially as your pain is reduced, stress becomes manageable, sleep comes easier and better, your digestion and heartburn are eased or your migraines are a thing of the past! We all suffer from any one of the above items at some point or another and acupuncture treatment is a great solution.
In addition to the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in the treatment of many diseases, acupuncture offers excellent support for healthy weight loss, fertility support, or better say boost, addiction treatments including smoking, digestive disorders, female concerns, and emotional wellness as well. Have you noticed a friend suddenly looking different? Healthier, looking like they just received a facelift but there are no scars or swelling? In recent decades acupuncture has become widely used for cosmetic purposes leaving patients with a younger and healthier appearance.