Relationships are Meant to Be 50/50
Dr. Sonja M. Ramirez is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York and New Jersey. She has a mobile office under the business name Ramirez Behavioral Healthcare, LLC. Dr. Ramirez also works as a Contract Psychologist for both acute and sub-acute rehabilitation centers. Dr. Ramirez engages in sessions in client's homes,... more
If we don’t take care of ourselves, eventually, taking care of others becomes a stressor and wears us down. I’ve been learning this lesson for the past 21 years.
If you’re always in charge, and, you always appear to be OK, others can’t see it when you’re falling down and you need to be picked up. Then, it’s too late and you are sick and alone. Festering.
If you frequently find yourself feeling alone or abandoned in your greatest times of need, ask yourself if you allow others in so that they can understand what you’re going through, both good and bad.
Loving and caring for each other is a two-way street. Each person in the relationship must be willing to both give and receive openly and without condition.
Healers require healing. Eventually, the child becomes the father or mother of the parent. Life is reciprocal and always comes full circle.
It is up to you to decide to allow your relationship with anyone to be reciprocal or to remain imbalanced. A lack of reciprocity and balance in a relationship usually breeds resentment and distance in the end. It’s often a recipe for self-sabotage.