Dr. Robert Carl Ciardullo, MD
Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Robert Ciardullo is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in White Plains, NY. Dr. Ciardullo specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning properly; therefore, this elective field solely focuses on aesthetics and anti-aging.
48 years
Dr. Robert Carl Ciardullo, MD
- White Plains, NY
- Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore Md
- Accepting new patients
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Are there different types of a rhinoplasty?
Yes there are two broad categories of rhinoplasty. The first is a closed rhinoplasty. This is performed entirely from with in the nose with no external scar. Then there is an open READ MORE
Yes there are two broad categories of rhinoplasty. The first is a closed rhinoplasty. This is performed entirely from with in the nose with no external scar. Then there is an open rhinoplasty which is performed by making an incision externally and elevating the soft tissue of the nose off the bone this does result in a visible scar.Dr. Ciardullo