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Marty Edwards, ND


Dr. Marty Edwards ND is a top Naturopathic Physician in , . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Marty Edwards ND is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Marty Edwards ND is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Marty Edwards ND is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In , , Dr. Marty Edwards ND is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
10 years Experience
Marty Edwards, ND
  • Trinity School of Natural Health
  • Accepting new patients

How much sunlight do we need?

It is recommended that you get 20 minutes of sunshine each day to get 80% to 100% of your vitamin D requirement.

Can a naturopathic physician help me maintain a healthy weight?

A traditional naturopath can help you reach balance. Balance of the bodies vitamins, minerals and other elements that the body requires is the key to losing the weight and keeping READ MORE
A traditional naturopath can help you reach balance. Balance of the bodies vitamins, minerals and other elements that the body requires is the key to losing the weight and keeping it off. It is not always about cutting out the bad in your diet, but reaching a balance between the good and the bad, which will allow the body to lose weight.

My daughter is grinding her teeth. What could be the reason behind this?

Although teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety, it often occurs during sleep and is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth. It can also READ MORE
Although teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety, it often occurs during sleep and is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth. It can also be caused by a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea.

How safe are natural and ayurvedic medicines to treat constipation?

You need to treat your colon with care. Laxatives can be too harsh on the pipes... I suggest Flax Seed Oil gel caps, 1000mg, one to two gel caps per day and all should start moving READ MORE
You need to treat your colon with care. Laxatives can be too harsh on the pipes... I suggest Flax Seed Oil gel caps, 1000mg, one to two gel caps per day and all should start moving again without harm to the colon's internal works.

My mother has a constant headache despite the medications she is taking. What can I do to help her?

Yes, a Naturopathic approach would surely be beneficial for your mother's health problem. A Traditional Naturopathic Doctor would seek out the root cause of the headache and treat READ MORE
Yes, a Naturopathic approach would surely be beneficial for your mother's health problem. A Traditional Naturopathic Doctor would seek out the root cause of the headache and treat the real problem and not mask it with pharmaceuticals. And by treating the root cause, hopefully prevent it from coming back.

What medication can you not prescribe?

Traditional Naturopathy is a distinct system of non-invasive healthcare and health assessment in which neither surgery nor drugs are used, dependence being placed only on education, READ MORE
Traditional Naturopathy is a distinct system of non-invasive healthcare and health assessment in which neither surgery nor drugs are used, dependence being placed only on education, counseling, naturopathic modalities and natural substances, including without limitation, the use of foods, food extracts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, digestive aids, botanical substances, topical natural substances, homeopathic preparations, air, water, heat, cold, sound, light, the physical modalities of magnetic therapy, naturopathic non-manipulative bodywork and exercise to help stimulate and maintain the individual's intrinsic self-healing processes.

Traditional naturopaths focus on the client as a whole. They look to the cause of a health concern rather than suppressing symptoms, thus recognizing symptoms of dis-ease as expressions of the body’s natural attempt to heal. The naturopath works to educate his or her clients in how to stimulate the body’s own vital healing forces. Although all naturopaths emphasize choices based on their own personal interests and experiences, they maintain a consistent naturopathic philosophy.

All living things have a natural ability to heal themselves. When properly functioning, our bodies promote self-cleansing and self-repair, and, therefore, self-healing. While modern medicine spends much of its time focused on killing germs, bacteria, and viruses, naturopathy aims to bring the body back into balance, making it strong and resistant against dis-ease.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”

~Thomas Edison

I don't like taking high blood pressure medication

Traditional naturopaths focus on the client as a whole. They look to the cause of a health concern rather than suppressing symptoms, thus recognizing symptoms of dis-ease as expressions READ MORE
Traditional naturopaths focus on the client as a whole. They look to the cause of a health concern rather than suppressing symptoms, thus recognizing symptoms of dis-ease as expressions of the body’s natural attempt to heal. The naturopath works to educate his or her clients in how to stimulate the body’s own vital healing forces. Although all naturopaths emphasize choices based on their own personal interests and experiences, they maintain a consistent naturopathic philosophy.

All living things have a natural ability to heal themselves. When properly functioning, our bodies promote self-cleansing and self-repair, and, therefore, self-healing. While modern medicine spends much of its time focused on killing germs, bacteria, and viruses, naturopathy aims to bring the body back into balance, making it strong and resistant against dis-ease.

Is my vitamin b12 deficiency from my change in diet?

It could be from several factors, diet change, stress, and the list goes on. A Traditional Naturopathic evaluation would best find the root cause of the deficiency, and by treating READ MORE
It could be from several factors, diet change, stress, and the list goes on. A Traditional Naturopathic evaluation would best find the root cause of the deficiency, and by treating or balancing that root cause would remedy the deficiency situation.

Does echinacea work?

Yes, echinacea does work. It can be taken as a preventative herbal supplement taken daily or weekly (like a tea) or used when you have a cold (as an extract form).

Can consuming fennel seeds after eating cause relief from bloating and gas?

Yes your mother is right. The oil produced when chewing the seeds is beneficial for heartburn, gas and bloating. But remember, spit the seeds out after chewing, never swallow them... READ MORE
Yes your mother is right. The oil produced when chewing the seeds is beneficial for heartburn, gas and bloating. But remember, spit the seeds out after chewing, never swallow them...

Can yoga help me reduce blood pressure?

Yes yoga is a very good form of treatment for many medical illnesses, especially when used in conjunction with other holistic therapies.

Can a naturopathic doctor recommend me natural medicines to treat a UTI?

How to eliminate a UTI Since UTI’s are caused by bacteria, conventional treatment is to give an antibiotic. Ironically, the use of prescription antibiotics can also cause a UTI. READ MORE
How to eliminate a UTI
Since UTI’s are caused by bacteria, conventional treatment is to give an antibiotic. Ironically, the use of prescription antibiotics can also cause a UTI. There are plenty of potent natural antibiotics though to help.
About 90% of UTI’s are caused by the bacteria E. coli. For the 10% of infections caused by other forms of bacteria, and also for those who are susceptible to frequent UTIs, you need to have something that will disrupt the pathogenic biofilm. In these situations, you can use supplements like InterFase plus or Biofilm Defense to get rid of those hard to get rid of biofilms. These supplements are not recommended during pregnancy so it’s best to deal with chronic conditions before or after pregnancy.
Natural remedies for UTI
Here are some natural remedies for UTIs. Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any supplements or remedies, particularly if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, if your symptoms get worse and are not responding to natural remedies, see your doctor immediately!
Balance hormones
Eating healthy fats like cod liver oil, raw butter, hemp and chia seeds will help to balance hormones and keep your blood sugar stable. You can look into other supplements like real-food vitamin C and chaste berry which can help to strengthen your luteal phase and progesterone production.
This antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial supplement fights the gram positive bacteria that cause UTI not caused by E. coli. This works by blocking replication, and damaging the cell membrane so that the immune system can come in and destroy the bacteria.
It is medium chain saturated fatty acid derived from coconut oil and while it is non-toxic, you need to talk to your healthcare practitioner if it’s right for you, particularly if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Cranberry juice or extract
Cranberry extract is a painless way to down a dose of E. coli flushing cranberry. It prevents the E. coli from attaching to the urinary tract lining and creating a biofilm, so it’s also good for use as a preventative. It does not however prevent E. coli from replicating.
Cranberry also inhibits the growth of gram positive bacteria from Staphylococcus aureus, though it doesn’t get rid of existing biofilm. Cranberry juice can also be used, but it should be unsweetened, and it can be a little too tart for most taste buds.
Where to buy? Most local grocery stores will have organic, unsweetened cranberry juice. You can also use this concentrate form. Shot for 16-32 ounces of juice per day.
High dose vitamin C
Vitamin C stimulates the immune system by increasing interferon, a protein that stops pathogenic microbes from replicating.
Shoot for at least 1,000 mg per day or 2 heaping teaspoons of camu camu powder.
The probiotic supplement Fem Dophilus contains strains that specifically target UTI. One study found that Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 are the most effective probiotic strains for the prevention of UTI. These also happen to be the same strains featured in Fem Dophilus.
Where to buy? You may find at a local health food store. Follow the manufacturer’s direction on dosage.
Cod liver oil
High quality cod liver oil is naturally rich in Vitamins A and D. Vitamin D especially has been shown to induce the antimicrobrial peptides cathelicidin in the bladder that help prevent UTI. This can be used as a preventative measure if you’re prone to UTI, but it can also help your body recover faster. Don’t waste your money on the cheap stuff though! These have been so processed, that synthetic vitamins are added back in to artificially boost the count.
Shoot for at least 10,000 IU of vitamin A per day. Even better, go for 25,000 IU until symptoms go away.
Crushed garlic
Garlic is one of the most potent antibiotics, natural or prescription. You can take some in a teaspoon of raw honey (preferably this type which boosts immunity) to cover the spiciness. You want to crush your garlic clove and let it sit for 10 minutes as this creates a powerful compound called allicin to form. Take 1 crushed clove 3 times a day up or up to every 2 hours a day. Women have reported completely curing their UTI after just a few days of taking a partial crushed garlic clove three times a day.
Where to buy? You can find organic garlic bulbs at your local grocery store. I would combine with this honey for an added boost!
This supplement is effective at binding to E. coli and expelling it from the body. It’s naturally found in cranberries, blueberries and apples, but you need a concentrated and standardized extract for it to be most effective. If the infection is not caused by E. coli though, then this supplement won’t be effective. This can be used to treat or prevent UTI and women RAVE about this supplement! The standard treatment is 500 mg every 2-3 hours for 5 days. You can also continue on a lower dose for preventative use. It has a naturally sweet taste and mixes well in yogurt, smoothies or even water.
Where to buy? I like this form the best since there are no additives and you can just use in food. You can also try this supplement form which combines with cranberry extract for a one two punch. Follow manufacturer’s directions for dosage.
Yes, drink plenty of water! This helps to flush the kidneys and cleanse the infection from the body. Adding freshly squeezed lemon will make it even more therapeutic. While it won’t kill a UTI on its own, it’s a vital piece of the puzzle in your body’s healing journey.
Where to buy? Hopefully, you have a good filtering system for your water. Otherwise, purchase 5 gallon jugs of clean, spring water. Shoot for at least 8 glasses per day.
Apple cider vinegar
The all powerful apple cider vinegar is yet another useful tool to naturally treat a UTI. It works by flushing out bacteria, and dislodging it from the urinary tract. It also helps to make the urine more acidic, so it’s unfriendly to bacteria growth.
Where to buy? Most local grocery stores will have apple cider vinegar but be sure you get a RAW FORM. I like this brand best. You should see the “mother” culture on the bottle of bottle that makes the liquid a little murky versus translucent. Shoot for at least 2 TB of raw apple cider vinegar a day.

What is the best way to treat blood pressure using naturopathy?

Yes, depending on the root cause of the hypertension, there are several herbal remedies that have a great response in controlling your high blood pressure, and with no side effects READ MORE
Yes, depending on the root cause of the hypertension, there are several herbal remedies that have a great response in controlling your high blood pressure, and with no side effects or addicting properties.