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Dr. Frank Tortorice, M.D.


<p>Dr. Frank Tortorice, MD practices medicine at Burlingame, California and specializes in Internal Medicine and Functional Medicine. Dr. Tortorice received his medical degree from University Di Roma (la Sapienza) . He is the doctor for the Italian Consulate in San Francisco.</p>
<p>In 2015 he opened the Bay Area Wellness Center, specializing in state of the art Internal Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Restorative and Regenerative Medicine.</p>
<p>He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the Institute for Functional Medicine.</p>
<p>He is now working with Longeviti Health to provide personalized health care to his patients.</p>
36 years Experience
Dr. Frank Tortorice, M.D.
  • Burlingame, CA
  • University Di Roma-La Sapienza, Fac Di Med E Chirurgia, Roma
  • Accepting new patients

What relieves headache in kids?

Headaches in children can be multifaceted. There are various types of headaches. Can be tension due to stress. Can be hypoglycemia due to low blood sugar. Can be allergic due to READ MORE
Headaches in children can be multifaceted. There are various types of headaches. Can be tension due to stress. Can be hypoglycemia due to low blood sugar. Can be allergic due to food allergies or gluten. Can be due to visual problems. Can be due to unusual causes as well. A doctor should be able to diagnose this either in the office or with the help of labs or imaging studies.