Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What relieves headache in kids?

My daughter has headaches almost every night. What relieves headaches in kids?

4 Answers

Headaches in children can be multifaceted. There are various types of headaches. Can be tension due to stress. Can be hypoglycemia due to low blood sugar. Can be allergic due to food allergies or gluten. Can be due to visual problems. Can be due to unusual causes as well. A doctor should be able to diagnose this either in the office or with the help of labs or imaging studies. 

Headache can be caused by many things. Please make sure that your child is drinking enough, resting well, also make sure your child does not suffer from allergy, sinus problem, constipation, dehydration, and you can give ibuprofen for the headache.
Headaches can be caused by many different things... each one is treated differently. Discuss with your pediatrician for the proper approach.
Headaches are uncommon in small children but become more frequent in the early teenage years. For that frequent a headache she would need to be checked to try to determine the cause