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Dr. Luay Susan, M.D.


Dr. Luay Susan is a urologist practicing in Cleveland, OH. Dr. Susan specializes in diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. This includes areas of the bladder, urethra, kidneys, penis and prostate. Urology is a surgical specialty and requires knowledge in other areas of expertise such as gynecology and internal medicine due to the variety of clinical problems that are involved.
Dr. Luay Susan, M.D.
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Accepting new patients

Are there diseases or complications caused by 4 decades of arduous physical toil, followed by inactivity?

ED is unrelated to planting trees. For all other questions, please see your primary care physician.

Thank You,

Luay Susan, MD

How often should a man release sperm?

If you are talking about number of ejaculations per week, then it is about 3-4 times per week.

Luay Susan, MD

Why is the color of my penis changing?

Could be normal color of glans penis. There are medical conditions that makes the glans penis white called Balanitis Xerotica. You need to see a skin doctor or a urologist for READ MORE
Could be normal color of glans penis. There are medical conditions that makes the glans penis white called Balanitis Xerotica. You need to see a skin doctor or a urologist for a genital exam.

Luay Susan, MD

Why do I feel pain when urinating?

There are many reasons to have painful urination. You will need urinalysis and urine culture for a start. Follow up with your primary care physician or urologist. Luay Susan, READ MORE
There are many reasons to have painful urination. You will need urinalysis and urine culture for a start. Follow up with your primary care physician or urologist.

Luay Susan, MD

PSA Level?

I will need to know the interval of time for the PSA rise from 2.17 to 4.69 It is reasonable to repeat the PSA and, if still elevated, will need prostate biopsy. Infection or READ MORE
I will need to know the interval of time for the PSA rise from 2.17 to 4.69 It is reasonable to repeat the PSA and, if still elevated, will need prostate biopsy. Infection or the prostate could elevated the PSA, but so does prostate cancer. Patient may have a combination of both. Biopsy will give the answer.

Luay Susan, MD

What is the average hospital stay for kidney stones?

That will depend on the type of operation that could vary from outpatient procedure to several hospital days.
Luay Susan MD