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Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, MD

Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes is a Harvard-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Kenneth Hughes has built a fully accredited, state-of-the-art surgery center in which he performs a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeries. Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift (BBL), rhinoplasty, liposuction, liposuction revision, mommy makeover, breast augmentation, breast lift, labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, face lift, neck lift, otoplasty, silicone and biopolymer removal, Bodytite, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), fat necrosis or dead fat or fat death removal, chin implant surgery, butt implant surgery, chin liposuction, arm liposuction, calve and ankle liposuction, buffalo hump liposuction, inferior buttock lift, and bra line back lift. Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs many of the most complicated revision and correctional plastic surgery procedures.

In addition, Dr. Kenneth Hughes helps to elucidate to patients the various complications associated with medical problems going into surgery and complications associated with specific surgeries. Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes is a liposuction and Brazilian buttlift revision expert who educates on the prevention of complications including fat death prevention, fat emboli prevention, and fluid collection prevention. Dr. Kenneth Hughes altered his fat transfer techniques in 2015, 3 years before ASPS recommended the change due to high number of patient deaths in the Brazilian buttlift due to deeper injections.

Dr. Kenneth Hughes has also developed an extensive reconstructive practice in treating those patients who have had silicone, hydrogel, PMMA, and biopolymer removal. These injections can lead to deformities, pain, skin death or skin necrosis, fat death or fat necrosis, infection that can be life threatening, chronic abscesses. In addition, injection of the materials can put patients at significant risk of death by silicone embolus. Dr. Kenneth Hughes removes the silicone and related dead or scar tissue, while leaving the healthy tissue. In this way, Dr. Kenneth Hughes can remove as much of the foreign material as possible while minimizing deformity. No matter what is done to remove this material, all of it cannot be removed, particularly if injected more deeply in the muscle.
26 years Experience
Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, MD
Specializes in:
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Harvard University
  • Accepting new patients

Dr. Kenneth Hughes and The Removal of Dead Fat (Fat Necrosis, Fat Death)

LOS ANGELES — Few people know what fat necrosis is, how it occurs, or why it is important. Fat necrosis is dead fat that occurs usually secondary to the lack of blood supply....

Dr. Kenneth Hughes on Improving the Safety of the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

About 5 years ago, long before the plastic surgery organizations made the recommendation to transfer fat to the subcutaneous plane of the butt, Dr. Kenneth Hughes had pioneered...

Many Varieties of Thigh Lifts to Treat Loose Skin on the Thighs

Loose skin on the thighs can be a real nuisance. A thigh lift removes excess skin that remains on the upper legs due to significant weight loss, aging, or previously liposuctioned...

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes - How to Select Your Plastic Surgeon

Find Surgeons from Reputable SchoolsPlastic surgeons should be fully trained with at least 3 years of plastic surgery residency after general surgery. Look for schools like Harvard...

Is Bad Scarring the Result of Bad Surgery? by Kenneth Hughes

Is Bad Scarring the Result of Bad Surgery? by Kenneth HughesDr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, sees patients every week who want to have revision surgery...

Why Liposuction Cannot Remove Silicone and Other Foreign Materials Injected into the Buttocks

Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, sees at least 2 to 3 patients a week who have had injections of one or more foreign substances including silicone, PMMA, hydrogel,...

Dr. Kenneth Hughes and His Mommy Makeover Surgery By: Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon, and His Mommy Makeover SurgerySpecialist mommy makeover surgeon Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes performs mommy makeover...

Silicone and Biopolymer Injection and Patient Deaths by Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, board-certified, Harvard-trained plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, has received hundreds of inquiries from patients all over the US and throughout the...

Evaluating Plastic Surgery Patients for Risk of Blood Clot with Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, Harvard-trained board certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, has performed thousands of elective cosmetic surgery procedures. The patient base...

Untoward Consequences of Tobacco and Cigarette Smoke with Regard to Plastic Surgery

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes performs a great number of plastic surgery procedures in his surgical center in Los Angeles. The tobacco combustion from cigarette smoke increases...

The Combination of Liposuction and Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty): What Is Safe to Perform?

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes is a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs aesthetic plastic surgery in his surgery center in Los Angeles. Dr. Hughes frequently performs...

The Art of Setting and Managing Patient Expectations in Plastic Surgery

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes is a busy Los Angeles plastic surgeon who performs hundreds of surgeries a year for patients from all over the world. There is no question that one...

How to Recover from Liposuction

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, a Los Angeles plastic surgeon, has performed thousands of liposuction procedures for patients from all over the world. Liposuction remains the most...

The New Brazilian Butt Lift Technique Part 2

This article is the second in a series of delineating the evolving medicine in a procedure known as the Brazilian butt lift. This procedure involves using liposuction on areas...

Postoperative Care Following Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Over the past decade, Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes has seen the popularity of buttock augmentation procedures increase substantially. Board-certified plastic surgeons have two...